(Ashton) 'You Look So Perfect'

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Dedicated to Brooklyn! Hope you like it! :)



"Are you alright?" Ashton asked you. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks just a tad cold..." You reply rubbing the palms of your hands together, warming them up. "Hey, you wanted to go walking, not me!" He chuckles. You playfully roll your eyes and lightly hit his arm. "Ash!" You whine, "Stop it, you said you'd come!" You continue. It was around 7pm and you had wanted to go for a walk in central park. The street lights beamed with bright yellow toned light, making the cloudy sky look grey, the tree's swished as a cool breeze appeared, you love winter time, snow filled the ground. You kicked it with your feet as Ashton took hold of your hand swinging it back and forth.

"This is amazing!" You grinned and took in your surroundings, black coloured seats were a line on the path way as you walked through. "You are amazing!" Ashton mumbles. "Ash-" Ashton surprises you by cutting you off to speak. "No listen Brooklyn, you are amazing! I'm so glad I met you and I don't know where I'd be without you, you are the most beautiful and caring person I have ever known and I really really like you..." Spending time with Ashton was all about having fun, but when it got serious like this, you'd get emotional because you don't know what to say. You and Ashton have been friends for quite some time now. But nothing has happened between the two of you, yet.

"What are you saying?" You reply raising an eye brow, butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach from hearing those words from Ashton. Ashton stops in his tracks, turning to face you as you look at him with slight confusion on your face. "Well, what I mean is..." He pauses, you watch him swallow as he looks up. Your eyes connected together for a spit second, you smile and keep your gaze on him. "I love you Brooklyn..." His voice was a soft whisper as he mumbled those words. You froze, almost wanted to cry of happy tears.

"Fuck, you don't feel the same... Do you?" Ashton curses looking down. You swallow and mumble something you've wanted to tell him for a very long time. "I- I love you too..." Ashton's face lights up as he grins, showing his shiny white teeth and his gorgeous dimples. "So... I could do this, and you wouldn't mind?" You look at him and wonder what he was talking about, before your brain could function, something unexpected and amazing was happening. Ashton's lips were pressed against yours. The coolness of his lips made you shiver, it being winter. Yet you where somewhat warm, as his lips pulled away, the cold hit your lips, wishing his would never leave.

His lips gently brushed passed your cheek, as he whispered. "Can I take you on a date?" His breath tickled up against your neck, "Sure..." You softly whisper back, he places a kiss on your cheek and grabs hold of your hand again, you start walking, wishing that moment would last forever. Your first kiss, was with someone you love and you can't wait for the relationship to blossom.


I wanted it to be longer, I'm sorry...

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