(Ashton) 'First Christmas'

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Dedicated to Sarah!! Hehe love ya name! This one is Christmas themed. You didn't say what you wanted so yeah! Anyway I hope you like it. :-)



This was your first Christmas with someone you love, well guy wise. Your first real relationship which was going on strong. You truly believed that Ashton was the one for you, people even agreed because they thought the two of you were just perfect for each other. You finally finished getting boxes out Ashton had placed the Christmas tree in the corner and all that was left was to decorate.

"You know, I've never put a star on a Christmas tree before, I was always too short." You said placing some tinsel around the tree. "That will change today!" Ashton picks up some more tinsel and comes up behind you. "I'm gonna wrap you up and put you underneath the Christmas tree!" He laughed his head on your shoulder. "I'm sure you're capable, but lets finish this first?" You smiled sweetly as he pressed his soft lips on your cheek.

"As you wish my lady!" Ashton whispered. "You sound like a genie!" You giggled softly as you placed some bells on the branches of the tree. "I think it's time, the star!" You stood back admiring the tree without it's star on top. "How am I meant to reach?" You questioned. Ashton scoffed, "The boyfriend will take care of that my love!" His voice rose with confidence. "Oh yes, of course!" You acted, staring into the eyes of who you thought was your soul mate for life.

"Up and adam!" Ashton says as you hold the star in your hands, his grip on your waist tightened as he lifted you up. "There!" You say as Ashton carefully places you down, "Great job babe!" Ashton gives you a high five, but entwines your hand instead, swinging back and forth you take in the appearance of your beautiful tree you had worked hard on with Ashton. "It truly looks amazing!" You look at the sparkling coloured lights surrounding it. "Just like you!" Ashton winks, "you're so funny!" You reply sarcastically.

It was finally Christmas, excitedly you jump up. Nudging Ashton on his arm to wake up, "I'm up! What time is it?" Ashton glared at the alarm clock on his side of the bed. "Eight O'Clock! Wake me up in two hours babe!" He lands back on his pillow getting cozy. "Ashton, please it's Christmas! We can go back to sleep after opening presents!" You slowly hover over Ashton. "Please." You mumbled gently pressing your lips to his forehead. "Merry Christmas babe!" Ashton softly says as he pecks your lips.

You wander to the lounge room where the tree was, presents surrounding the tree which was lit up. "Here, I um want you to open this first, I hope you like it!" You hand Ashton a long box as he sits on the couch. You follow and sit next to him, you nervously wait as he finally unwraps it revealing a box. You had decided to get him something he could wear to always remember you when he toured, it wasn't much but it's all you could afford that looks reasonable pricey and worth it. 

"I love it, I love you!" Ashton's eyes open wide, a huge grin on his face as he unveils the string that keeps in intact to the box. It was a silver template with the words 'Sarah and Ashton' with a little love heart. Maybe it was too girly? A bracelet, he seemed to wear heaps so why not? "I'm glad, I was scared you wouldn't." You fiddled with your long hair strands that fell over your shoulder. "Why would you think that?" Ashton places it to his side and stands up. Taking your hands entwined with his, you also stand.

His hands slide to your waist his grip stronger than ever reassuring you he truly cared. "I've never gone shopping for someone that meant the world to me. I didn't think you would-" Ashton lent closer, your lips meeting his for what seemed like an eternity. "I love you, that's all the matters, Sarah." Ashton's breath tickled your neck as your foreheads collide together. "I love you too, Ashton."


I'm so sorry for slow updates...

I'm gonna try my hardest to finish off requests!

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