(Luke) 'What Love Is'

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Sorry for making people wait...

Dedicated to Monica Hope you like it :)



 "No!" You tried to complain as much as you could. "That’s not gonna stop me from doing it!" Luke's voice laughed. Hands gripped the side of your waist as you got pulled upwards and over Luke’s shoulder. "Put me down!" You argued. It was your 5th month of being Luke's girlfriend; you were spending the day home with Luke just relaxing and doing what you felt like. Lately Luke has been joking around and you're not too fond of it. "You want me to put you down?" He asked. You nodded and replied "Yes, please!" "Are you sure?" He questioned you. "Um let me think about that, YES!" You whined.

 Finally he placed you down on the couch, crossing your arms over your chest you stared angrily at Luke. “Oh come on Monica, have some fun once and a while!” He looked at you waiting for you to speak but you just glared at him. “Alright then.” Luke disappeared within seconds, not knowing where he went you stayed in your position. "LUKE!" You shouted, no reply. "Where are you?" You stomped your feet down on the ground. "Boo!" You jumped. "What are you doing?" You turned your head, facing Luke who was standing behind the couch facing you. "Trying to be a ghost, it worked!" He laughed to himself.

"Yeah, I can still see you!" You smiled, he was adorable when he was trying to be silly. "You keep trying to find a way to be invisible Lukey!" You chuckled as you stood up and gently landed your hand on top of his hair, making it flat. "Hey! no touchy the hair!" Luke pouts running his fingers through his quiff to spike it up. "Sorry, not sorry!" You laughed at him. "Hey Monica?" He grinned evilly. "What?" You questioned slightly scared of what he was going to do next. "Catch!" Before you knew it Luke had landed on top of you, landing with your back on the couch and his body weight crashing down onto you.

"What do you think you're doing?" You asked struggling to get him off you. "I thought I'd just lay on my beautiful girlfriend who I've loved for 5 months..." He replied like squishing you was no big deal. "Yeah well I can't breathe!" "Way to ruin the perfect moment!" Luke said waving his arms in the air, and unexpectedly getting off of you. "Hey! Luke, come  back! I'm sorry!" You got up off the couch and followed Luke to the kitchen where you saw him walk in.

"Say cheese!" Luke chuckles, turning around to face you. You look in his hand to see a slice of cheese. "Um, that's not cheesy at all... See what I did there? You should be proud!" You laughed at your lame joke. "So proud babe, you're learning from the master!" This time he placed his hand on top of your head and messed up your hair. "Luke?" "Yeah?" He looks at you confused. "Watch out!" You grin. "Wha-" Before he could finish his word you flung yourself at him, placing your hands over his neck. He quickly reacted and caught you by your upper thighs.

"Got you!" His forehead leaned forward, touching together with yours. "I know I can trust you! And I will love you, and your 'cheesy' jokes!" You smiled looking into his gorgeous sparkly bright blue eyes, he chuckled and smiled. "I love you too!" Luke's breath was warm against your skin, making a shiver appear down your back. You swiftly moved your right hand gently up through his hair, stroking it with your fingers. Luke shifted his hands, making you higher, the tips of your noses were touching and his lips were pressed softly against your chin. You re-positioned your head lower so his lips would be perfectly in line with yours. All of a sudden his generous, indulgent pink sweet lips lingered with yours in perfect sync. Like it was the first time you'd ever kissed, only it was longer and more passionate.  

You were sure he was the one, because you were in love.


Thanks for reading! :-)

Sorry it was short... and boring... not proud of this one, sorry it was crap ah.. and the ending was shit...


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