(Ashton) 'Missing You'

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Dedicated to Jenaca! Hope you like it :)

I deleted like the first 3 lines by mistake so it won't be as great, whoops



It had been 6 months since you last saw Ashton, memories of you and him flooded through your mind. Hoping that would somewhat make you happy, how would you feel if someone you loved had gone away for so long? You were laying on your bed, scrolling through the pictures on your phone. The thought of Ashton being here with you made you smile, but you knew the truth. He wasn't there, not to comfort you, not holding you tight saying everything will be alright. Tears streamed uncontrollably down your face, you let them fall as you sobbed loudly knowing that no one could hear you.

Suddenly your phone starting vibrating, hoping it was Ashton you answered it, but you didn't hear his voice, only one of your best friends. "H-Hello?" You said croaky. "Hey Jenaca, just checking up on you." Her voice said sounding slightly worried. "Oh, okay..." Your voice whispers. "Has Ashton called?" She replied. That's when you couldn't handle holding back the pain, the cries and the sobs. Hearing someone else say his name just made you want to cry even more. "I- I can't do this anymore, I miss him so much!" You said as you cried, sniffing you turned your position on your bed to the side. "I know, call him.... He might just pick up this time!" Your best friend was great, she knew what to do to cheer you up, but this time you didn't like the idea. "Just once, if he doesn't pick up, don't try anymore!" She continued. "O-okay..." You swallowed.

'Well, It's not like he'll pick up anyway!' You sigh in your head.

"Good girl, I'll be here if you need!" You could picture her smiling. The phone line went dead and you suddenly panicked. Your fingers trembled across his contact not knowing what would happen next. You sniffed again and wiped your eyes, the salty tears just kept pouring down your face. Out of no where you heard ringing start, "Hello?" Ashton's voice rings through your ears, sounding like a record being played on repeat. "Ashton? Is that really you?" Your heart still melted at the sound of his sweet voice. You stared at the dark floor as you waited for a reply.

"Jenaca? Is that you?" His voice was quiet and soft as you heard people in the background. "Hi, Ash?" You question the person on the other line, not really knowing if this was actually happening. "Yeah babe?" The memories of when he was with you corrupted in your mind.

"No, I love you more!" You giggled as you just finished watching a movie. "Not true! I loveeee youuu moreee!" Chuckling Ashton replied. "Extending the words doesn't make it more silly!" His forehead came in contact with yours as he looked down into your eyes. "I love you!" His left hand cupped your cheek, his thumb lightly stroked it up and down. Making a tingle sensation appear. "I love you too!" You replied smiling softly. Ashton smiled back and leaned even more close. Your lips were touching, finally he pressed his lips against yours, moving in sync, his soft, sweet lips....

"Why did you stop? Calling?" A cough came from his end of the phone. "Ashton, I- I miss you, I need you here, I can't take it anyone Ash... Please!" You cried, lifting your body into a sitting position on your bed. Leaning your back against your soft pillows. "I'm feeling cold and lonely without you, I don't know what to do, I'm empty... I'm simply a no one..." You continued as you wiped your wet and puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry... You know I love you and I don't intend you make you feel empty and lost, I'm sorry I did that okay..." You could tell he was disappointed in himself. "Why though? Why Ash, I don't understand!" Swallowing the lump in your throat you waited for him to reply. "I was scared, worried that you'd left. I stopped because I thought everything we had was gone, that you simply left me for someone else, so I stopped Jenaca, I was scared okay..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I just, I love you." "And I love you too, but please go to sleep beautiful, I'll see you soon!" Not knowing why he ended the call so soon and suddenly, you decide to take his advise and try and sleep. Knowing it would be hard without him by your side. Placing your phone on your beside table, you closed your eyes. Hoping that tomorrow will be a better day, but you can't help but stay awake, hearing his voice in the first time in months made you wish he was with you more than ever right now. Laying down, you keep your eyes plastered on the pitch black door, hoping it would move and a happy and loving Ashton would walk through it. But the negative thoughts took over, knowing he was on the other side of the world, he could never walk through that door.

Tried energy took over and you couldn't move, moving your eyes to your alarm clock it read 2am. "I love you Jenaca..." A voice in your head whispered soothingly. Opening your eyes you turned over, seeing nothing but black. Suddenly you felt a hand glide over your waist, pulling you closer. "I'm here now, and I'm never leaving." You smiled and finally drifted off to sleep. How did he get there? You may never know, but this time you take his word for it.


Well, that was..... Emotional? Sad? Depressing? IM SORRY OKAY I FELT SAD AT THE TIME!! :(

(Happy ending though right?! yay...)


Thanks for reading guys! also prepare for slow updates.... I still have like 8 requests to do... Haven't even started any.......................

Lub chu all :) xx

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