(Calum) 'Always A Part of Me'

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Dedicated to Naomi Hope you like it! :) x



"Naomi! Get your things together!" your mum calls. "Why?" you ask confused. "Were moving to Perth!" you look at her and open your mouth, forming an 'O' shape. "What! Why?" you shout. "It's just not working between your dad and I, I'm sorry darling" your mum explains. You angrily stomp away and slam your door shut. Tears form in your eyes as you rush around, placing everything in boxes. "Can I at least say goodbye to Calum?" You say as you walk to the kitchen. You hold your phone in your left hand. "Sure invite him over?" you just nod. After texting Calum to come over you wait in your room. Taking every detail with you.

"Naomi the door!" Your mum yells, you walk out and close the door. You breathe as you slowly open the front door. Calum looks at you and smiles, you try and smile but fail. You can't pretend to be happy when your not. Calum would figure it out and it would just make things harder for you. You've never had to move before and you're partly scared of what to exactly say to Calum. "Uh come in!" You fake smile knowing what's about to happen. Are you about to lose the most closet friend ever? "I have something to tell you.." You both say in sync. You look at Calum confused. "Oh you go first!" Calum chuckles. You 'smile' and reply. "Uh no you!" You slightly giggle.

"Naomi, I uh... I- I love you..." 'Bitch please, fuck no! you've got to be shitting me! no way in hell. Fuck am I imagine this?' You freak out in you mind. "Sorry what?" You've got to be dreaming right? "I said, I love you Naomi!" And that's when it hits you. (Right in the face!) {I thought that was funny..} You breathe heavily, how are you supposed to tell him now? You freak out and run out of the dining room. out the front door and to the front lawn where you start yelling. "WHY! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? WHY TODAY? FUCK MY LIFE!" Tears forming in your eyes. You now break down and cry, your knees crashing down on the green grass.

"I know it was unexpected but I-" Calum starts to say. "You don't get it Cal! I love you too! it's just..."  You stop and look at him, your vision blurry as you let the tears fall down. "What's happening?" Calum questions as he bent down by your side. "I'm moving house and I'm never going to see you again!" You blurt out, giving him a minute to let it all sink in. "Shit..." Calum curses. "I didn't know! I swear I would've told you sooner!" You say backing it up. "Oh shit, what am I meant to do now? Oh god... I cant handle this!" He freaks out. "I'll text and Call and face time and Skype and Tweet you! Every day, hour and week!" 

"That's very sweet of you Cal but I'm not that important!" You swallow the huge lump in your throat. "I think you should just forget about me, and move on..." You tear up. "I could never do that! I love you!" Calum pulls his hair. "It's okay we'll get through this!" You say trying to sound positive. All these things have happened too fast and your struggling to keep up.

'I never got to say a proper goodbye...'

All you wanted to do was kiss him, but that never happened...

Ever since that day, you think how Calum coped with what happened. Has he changed? Is he still in love with you? Has he waited for you? Did he move on? All these thoughts come rushing through as you stare out the window of the car driving through the familiar streets. It's been 2 an a half years later. You've come back to complete a UNI degree. Living with your mum was tough, you had to make new friends and complete exams under stress and haven't seen Calum since that day. Throughout the first few days he'd call or leave you messages but it stopped after 2 weeks, you assumed he got to busy and had forgotten about you.

You visit your old house, as you sit on the front lawn. Remembering that day, wishing you could change the things you said and your actions. After all actions speak louder than words right? You should have just made the move... But you didn't and you regret it, ever since you left. But you're back and maybe things are different? You see a figure walking on the foot path. You look at the boy, wearing a black beanie covering his hair. You shoot up and grin, is that him? Maybe it is? Only one way to find out!

"CALUM IS THAT YOU? CALUM?" You shout at the top of your lungs. The boy turns around. Your heart beats faster as the boy walks your way. "CAL?" You shout again, maybe he didn't hear? Suddenly the boy starts running. "NAOMI OH MY GOD!" You grin and decide to make the right decision. Calum stops as you reach each other. "I never got to do this!" Not caring in the world if he has a girlfriend, you make the move. You crash you lips with his, he surprisingly kisses back. Placing a hand on your cheek, he pushes a strand of hair behind you ear as he moves closer towards you, "I still love you!" Calum whispers as he kisses your lips with more depth. "I love you too!" Finally you've been reconnected...

Calum will always be a part of you, no matter how far you are. You'll always be connected in some way.

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