(Ashton) 'I Like You'

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You sit down at a bench with Ashton at school. "I know you like someone" Ashton's voice says across from you. "Fuck" you mumble. "I mean what!?" you chuckle as you try covering up your words. "A little birdy told me!" he smirked. "Well it's not like you know who... Right?" you look at him curious. "No but I will find out" Ashton smirks again. "Oh no you won't!" you say getting up and bolting to the oval. You sprint all over the place and dodge people, but Ashton is fast and appears right behind you.

You stop to breathe as hands fling around your waist, you land on the floor with Ashton crushed on top of you. "Get off!" you say struggling to breathe. "Not unless you tell me who!" you just stay silent and refuse to speak. "Alright then" Ashton says looking at you. He just casually stays on top of you. Suddenly the bell goes and you have to go to class. "I'm not moving" Ashton laughs. "I fucken hate you!" you whin. "You love me!" he laughs, expecting you to laugh with him.

You just stay silent. He blinks a few times before realising. "Aw I like you too!" Ashton says looking at you in the eyes. "Wha- really?" you smile, Ashton nods. Ashton leans in and grins, his lips are suddenly pressed against yours. Butterflies fill your stomach as your lips are locked with his. "I really like you, be my girlfriend?" Ashton's memorising voice whispers. You nod and say "Yes" he pecks your lips again as he finally gets off you. 

Finally someone you like, actually likes you back


I wrote this on my phone and didn't realise how short it was... sorry posting a long Calum one next!

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