(Michael) 'Movies on Christmas Eve'

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Why hello there...

dedicated to Jannah hope you like it :) x



You and Michael are spending Christmas Eve watching your favourite movie. Which happens to be a Disney one, you're sat down on the couch cuddling Michael. "Ah this is the best!" you say as you look up at Michael. "Damn straight!" He replies whilst looking at the screen. "You know what would make this even better?" He continues. "Hot chocolate!" He says looking down at you this time. "Oh like that's totally going to make this night so much better, when its bloody hot in here!" You say sarcastically. "Stop it!" Michael whines. He dug his head into the couch you laughed and randomly started to tickle him.

"No- please, no stop Jannah! I SAID STOP IT!" Michael playfully yells in his scary and loud deep voice. "Whoa there! no need to yell! now my ears hurt!" You say backing away from Michael. "You get what you deserve!" Michael chuckles sitting up straight. You move your eyes back onto the movie. Without notice you feel arms snack around your waist and pull you down. "Hey!" You mumble as your body is against his. "What! I thought this would be more comfortable!" Michael exclaims smiling. "You're lucky you're right!" You say as his arms don't move from your position.

"Shh" Michael says trying to watch the movie. You yawn and look at the time on your phone, 9pm. "I'm getting tired! I might go to sleep so I can get up early on Christmas morning!" But Michael doesn't move. "Nooo, don't leave! Stay with me!" You laugh at Michael. "Well let go so I can cuddle you!" You say as Michael finally releases his grip. You shuffle around on the couch and turn to face him. "That's better!" Michael says as you get shivers from his fingers gently stroking your hair. "Stop yawning!" Michael whispers. "Well I can't help it!" You chuckle. "What did you stay up doing last night?" Michael asks you. "I just listened to music... for 3 hours..." You reply looking at him in the eyes.

His bluey/green orbs shined with the light reflecting, making them more blue. "Well, you can fall asleep if you want. Good night Jannah... I love you." Michaels breath hot on your nose. You slowly close your eyes and whisper back. "I love you too Michael." You reply as Michael gently kisses your forehead. You smile and think of Michael before falling asleep.



I have 6 Imagines to write in 7 days ..... hELP ME

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