(5SOS) 'Feels Like Freedom'

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The boys had you blind folded as Luke piggy backs you to somewhere. "I hope you trip!" You say chuckling to him, the boys laugh as they walk behind you. "Well, I'll make sure I fall backwards instead!" He laughs. "Oh no... You don't!" you reply clinging onto him tighter "Oh yeah I would!" Luke says as he chuckles. "Ok you can let go now" He says to you as you feel his hands drop from your thighs. You take the blind fold off and look around.

Your surrounded by rocks and a very high view of the city. "What are we doing here?" You say confused. "Bungie JUMPING!!" Calum yells in excitement. "Wait...what? There's no way I'm doing that!!" They all laughed. "It'll be fun" Ashton said looking at the high view. "Yeah, no thanks... I don't want to jump off anything and be tied to something that could possibly snap any second" You say feeling scared at the thought of it breaking.

"I could DIE" You say as you start walking back down hill. Someone grabs your arm and pulls you back, you stop and look at them. Michael. "Well at least watch us, you might even change your mind" He pleaded. "Fine" You walk back to the others as you go up to where all the harnesses are. "I'll just wait over here" You say stepping back. "This is gonna be sick" Calum says all harnessed up.

A guy stands near him and mumbles things into his ears. "GOOD LUCK" you quickly yell. Calum stands on the edge of a platform. He takes a deep breath and jumps forward. The elastic stretches, it looks like his head touches the water below him. "WOOOOO" Calum screams as he goes down again. 'I don't get how people can do this type of stuff' you think as Calum gets pulled up. Luke goes next.

Watching as the rest of the boys have there turn. "Your turn!" Calum says pushing me towards the guy holding the harness ready. "What does it feel like?" You ask him. "Freedom" He replies grinning. "I hate you all" you say glaring at each of them. The guy puts the harness on tight onto your waist as he explains what to do. You nod as the guy stands back, waiting for you to jump. You glance down, a huge river appears down below.

You gulp and take a deep breath. "Does it help if you close your eyes?" You ask anyone. The guy answers. "Well, if you don't wanna know what your looking at... then yeah" 'Yeah coz that totally helped answer my question' you say in your head sarcastically. 'Its now or never' You breath and jump. The wind brushes through your hair as your metres away from the river. The moment when nothing appears to bother you is right now. Nothing in the world matters because it feels like your free from everything...


can we get this to 300 reads??? :D thanks for reading please vote and comment and maybe follow me on twitter?? I FOLLOW BACK! :) @SWS_JC_5SOS_CRS hard username I know... ahaha thanks guys! <3

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