(Michael) 'Strong'

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"(Y/N)?" A loud voice filled the house. "(Y/N)?" the voice calls again. "Where are you?" You recognized the voice as you heard footsteps. You sniffed and wiped your eyes. Your boyfriend had just broke up with you and you're not taking it very well. You were cooped away in your closet in the dark, cuddling your legs and thinking it was your entire fault. "(Y/N) please come out? I just want to help you!" Michael your neighbor called. You're really close with Michael, you attended the same school. You always felt like you can trust him with anything, but of course he found out somehow. "Please?" Michael’s voice suddenly appears too close. "I know you're in there!" he moves, you hear him sit down on your bed and wait.

Silence fills the room, as none of you speak. You sniff quietly again and wiped your eyes once more. They were probably puffy and slightly red. “He was a dick; I don’t understand why you dated him!” Michael said breaking the silence. You swallowed and thought about why you actually dated the guy. “I- I liked him…” Your voice was croaky as you spoke. “No, I you were attracted to him, he was putting on an act (Y/N) You were so blind you didn’t notice, you shouldn’t be upset about him breaking up with you!” Michael sighs in frustration. “You deserve someone who loves you for you! Someone who truly cares about you, who treats you right! (Y/N) please just, come out!” You swallow as he partly shouts; the room fills with silence once again.

“Who? Who will love me? Who truly cares about me? NO ONE MICHAEL! I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE!” You yell breaking the ice between the two of you; it feels good to yell at the top of your lungs. “(Y/N)!” His voice suddenly becomes soft, showing he’s tired of yelling. You hear the springs of your bed make a noise and see a shadow through the bottom of your closet. “Come here!” Michael slightly chuckles; you see the door of your closet open, bright day light burns your eyes. You blink and try to adjust to the brightness. Without notice you were placed up on your feet and pulled into a hug by Michael.

You cuddle into his chest and breathe heavily, wrapping your arms tightly around him. His arms lay against your back, him being a full head length taller, your body fits perfect pressed against his. “I love you, I care…” Michael’s voice mumbles, his lips brushing softly over your ear. He gently presses his lips against the side of your neck. Your whole body feels numb, yet it tingles and shivers with sparks and excitement. You suddenly freeze and don’t know what to do. Michael, the boy who was your neighbor and best friend just made you feel special for once. For once in your life you might have someone who cares and loves you just as much as you love them.

“Michael, I- Love y-you and I’m so s-sorry!” You mumble looking up at him, he smiles and kisses your forehead. “I love you too (Y/N)!” He lifts your chin, his fingertips gently pushing your head upwards. You stare into his beautiful eyes and wonder what his feelings were towards you. “Really?” You question him, the last person to say that dumped you and left your heart broken. Michael came to you and fixed you. He made you strong. Stronger than you’ve ever been, but will he stay with you? Will it change things between the two of you?

“I really do, I love you (Y/N)!” He whispers close, assuring you he was being honest. “Thank you for everything…” You smile up at him. “I love your gorgeous smile, it brightens my day!”  Michael says carelessly stroking your cheek. Everything all of a sudden slows down, Michael was leaning forward. You steadily close your eyes and lean in, pressing your soft lips against his. Making all your thoughts fade away. Michael was truly someone you couldn’t live without. You pull away and see Michael grinning. “This doesn’t change our friendship, it just happens to be something more…” Butterflies erupted in your stomach, making you blush at Michael just kissing you. “I- thank you, for making me stronger…” You peck his lips and settle down, you start being yourself after the incident, you just want to forget it and start fresh.

With Michael by your side, you’re as strong as you were before. Somehow you’ve become stronger now that you’ve shared your true feelings towards each other; nothing will and won’t let you ever get you down, as long as you have that special someone by your side.


Hmm what do you think of this? I don't like the ending :\

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Peace out! <3 :)

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