(Michael) 'Movie Date'

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You and Michael are in the cinemas watching a movie. "Oh shit" you jump, you're watching the conjuring but only because Michael made you. "Why did you make me watch this?" You whisper into Michaels ear as he faces the huge screen. "I wanted to cuddle next to you!" "That's not an excuse to make me fucken shit myself!" You say scared as your eyes look at the screen. "Chill I'm here! Enjoy the movie" "How? You know I don't like scary movies!" You hate the fact that in cinemas they make it extra loud, and that doesn't go well with you and scary movies.

An hour later and the movie is finally over. It's still day light but its so bright that you have to cover your eyes, as you walk outside with Michael. "That was fucking scary!" You take in every sight around you making sure nothing would jump out. "I thought that was awesome!" Michael chuckles. "Oh god, I don't understand half the shit you do" You laugh, suddenly fingers entwine with yours. You look down as Michaels hands with yours. You smile as you all of a sudden feel safe. "Where should we go now?" Michael asks smirking.

"Why ask a question you already know the answer to?" You grin as you see a gaming shop in front of you. "You know me too well (Y/N)" Michael laughs as you to enter the shop hand in hand. Michael spots a Pokémon game and rushes towards it. You chuckle as you watch him start playing. You let Michael be, knowing that you could be in here for a while. You go towards a game called Deal or no Deal. You place two dollars in the machine and start playing the games.

15 minutes in, and you have 3 cases left. The game it quite good, you have to try and get the suitcase with 10,000 tickets. You could win something awesome, sadly you only had cases that held 20, 40, or 5 tickets and the chances were unlikely to get 40. You guess a case number as it knocks out the 40 straight away. "What you playing?" Michael appears out of nowhere. "A game" You laugh as you pick the last case number, praying it will be 20 tickets.

You wait for the number of tickets to come up on the screen. 'Congratulations you've won 20 tickets' The screen says as tickets start coming out of the sides. "Oh my god!" You grin, you've never won tickets in a game before. You jump up and down excited as you walk up to the counter to pick your prize. You look around for something you and Michael could both enjoy. "What's those tickets?" You ask the guy at the desk.

"You get two free boost juices" The guy smiles, sounds good. "I'll have those please" You smile excitedly. You give the guy your tickets as you and Michael walk over to boost juice and place an order, when you pay you give them the tickets. They gladly except as you now start walking home with Michael by your side. You reach your house too quick for your liking so you stop and say to Michael. "Thankyou for an amazing day... apart from the movie! but the smoothie was good!" You laugh at your comment sort of rhyming.

"It was great to see you again (Y/N)" Michael smiles. "I'll see you soon?" You ask him, he nods. "Sure will!" Michael pecks your lips as you start walking to the front door. 'A day with Michael is always the best' You think as the front door opens.


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