(Michael) 'Learning to Love'

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Dedicated to Amy! Hope you like it! :)



"Amy, come here!" You hear the voice of Michael. "Why?" You shouted back, as you lay on your bed. Michael wants you to watch a movie but you were busy doing your homework. "Please!" Michael looks at you and pouts his lips, begging you. "Argh... fine!" You whine walking over to the lounge with Michael, you sit down on the couch. "Yay!" Michael smiles at you, his soft and pink looking lips made you melt inside. "What movie?" You question. "Uh, The Avengers!" He chuckles. "You've watched that all week! Aren't you sick of it?" You replied looking at his eyes, they were popping out with a bright green colour. "Nope!" Michael shakes his head. You laugh and give in to watching the movie. "Woo!" Michael cheers, setting up the movie.

~An hour and a half later~

"I love this movie!" Michael says whispering in your ear, coming closer. "Yeah it's good!" You laugh. "Damn straight!" Michael replies in a funny tone, making you laugh even more. You playfully hit him in the arm. "Ouch!" He whines acting hurt. "Okay, can I get back to my homework now?" You ask him. "But..." His voice lowers, sounding sad. "Okay!" He replies, you get up off the couch ready to finish your homework. Suddenly you felt a hand grab yours, pulling you back. Making you land surprisingly on top of Michael. "Ah!" You scream falling back, your head sits between his neck and shoulder. "Mmm..." Michael places his arms around your waist.

"You're warm!" You whisper in the crook of his neck, making it sound like you mumbled. Snuggling closer, you feel warm and protected. Your head slips, falling onto Michael's chest, feeling him exhale, his chest slowly moves up and down, making you feel more relaxed than ever. You close your eyes and listen to the sound of Michael silently breathing. Hoping that one day, something like this could happen, and it would be serious. Knowing that no one will ever please and love you as much as Michael, only thing is you know he doesn't feel the same way. (That probably made no sense whatsoever)

"Michael, have you ever been in love?" You blurted out, curious to know. "Yes, yes I have..." His arm loosens around you, shifting into another position. "Did she love you back?" You swallowed at the thought of him with another girl. "No, well I'm not so sure..." You focused on Michael as he talked. "Do you still love her?" You glazed at his flawless face. "Yes" He replied, his expression was blank, like he was thinking of the girl, not knowing if she would love him, as much as he loved her. "Who's this girl? What if she did feel the same way?" You shifted sitting up, now sitting on his lap, facing him. "She doesn't love me, so what's the point!?" He replies frustrated.

"You don't know that Michael! Besides, what do you think the meaning of love is? It could be different for everyone!" You state a fact. "What are you playing at Amy?" A small smirk appears on his lips. "Well, I just... I think I'm in love..." You look away from his eyes, knowing that he doesn't love you makes your heart stop beating. Knowing that it will never happen, because he doesn't feel the same. "With who?" His soft voice tickling against the skin of your neck making you shiver. The silence that filled the room made this moment intense, were you going to tell him how you feel?

Taking a deep breath you swallow the dry lump in your throat. "I love you, Michael... But you don't love me..." Your voice croaked, the feeling of salty water filling your eyes made you want to cry. You stayed quite, not knowing what Michaels expression was. "Really?" His voice was low and calming, like he had hope. "Yeah..." You finally glance at Michael, seeing that his eyes were glistering up at you and his lips formed a smile. "I love you too..." His face become nearer, as his forgivingly soft lips lingered, stroking past yours, finally they pressed against your own. Everything suddenly went in slow motion, nothing could ruin the moment you've been dreaming of.

His lips exploded with passion, moving in sync with yours. The warm feeling of Michaels hand cupping your chin made you smile into the kiss that seemed to last a life time, not that you minded of course. A mixture of butterflies and nerves invaded your stomach, moving slightly forward you deepened the kiss, wishing this moment could last forever, finally you pulled away, catching your breath. "I've loved you for a very long time!" Michael spoke as his breath hit the bottom of your neck, making you want him even more. "Same Michael." You replied as you gently and swiftly pressed your lips back on his.


L = Learning

O = Of

V = Vulnerable

E = Emotions

(MADE THAT UP wut? I dunno it just happened)



I hope that was alright, please vote or comment if you liked it....

Just a reminder that requests are closed at the moment, don't panic if you want one, just wait! :)

Thanks for reading!

Lub Chu <3

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