(Calum) 'Kiss me Hello'

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last imagine possibly for a week :\ hope you like it



If someone is living there dream, you would want to support them in anyway. Even if there traveling to the other side of the world. If it means missing them, and not seeing them for ages... In the end it's all worth it, to see them happy and doing what they love.

Your at the airport waiting with Calum for his plane, He going touring with the rest of the boys. Your really sad about leaving him, and you don't know how you'll cope being without him for the first time. "I'm going to miss you so much!" you almost cry. "Aw I'm sure you'll be fine" Calum says trying to cheer you up. "Yeah... Sure!" you laugh.

"This is harder than I thought it would be!" you say as you sit down on a chair and start fiddling with your fingers. "I'm gonna miss you just as much!" Calum says putting his arm around you and pulling you in for a hug. "It's only a month... I'll live, hopefully" you joke as Calum laughs. "Stop laughing! I'm gonna start crying" You laugh. "Oh, sorry" Calum says in a serious tone.

'Flight from Sydney to America, now boarding at gate 7'

The speakers spoke, butterflies entered your stomach. You only have a few minutes to say goodbye. "Don't think of it as a month, 4 weeks is all it is" Calum said trying to convince you that time will pass faster. "But a month and 4 weeks is the exact same so.." Calum chuckles as he looks over your shoulder.

You turn your head to see the boys waiting. 'This is it, He's leaving.' You think in your head as you face back towards Calum. "Don't forget about me!" Your eyes slowly start to go blurry from tears filling your eyes. "I'll never forget you! How could I?" He stands up, you do the same as you both stare into each others eyes. "I guess this is goodbye for a while" You say looking down.

A hand lifts your chin up, as your eyes meet back with Calums.

"Don't say goodbye, Just kiss me hello" Calum whispers moving in closer.

A smile appears on your lips as they meet with Calums. A tear runs down your cheek as Calum pulls away from the kiss. He smiles and wipes it away with his thumb. Just his smile makes you feel alive, imagine what happens when he's not there. "I love you" Calum whispers in your ear, wrapping his arms around you as you cuddle into him.

"I love you too" You whisper back. Suddenly Calums arms aren't around you anymore. You feel lost and cold. like the one thing that kept you alive is fading away. But slowly it will back, hopefully as strong as ever. You stare into the distance as Calum and the boys starts disappearing into sight. You mind takes you back to the words Calum had said a bit earlier. 'Don't say goodbye, just kiss me hello' A smile slowly crept on your face. 'That wasn't goodbye'


Thanks for reading! :) x

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