(Calum) 'Stop Joking Around!'

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Dun dun dun........... so I don't think this is one of my best ones so... I'm sorry :\



You're in the library studying for an English exam that you have tomorrow, you're freaking out because your scared you might fail and you don't want that especially in year 12. Your sat down at a table with your book and papers that have things you need to revise on. You're half way through writing something down when your phone suddenly beeps. You grab it out your pocket and open the text.

'Hey, Hi, Hello I'm bored in Maths class what you up to?'

A text from Calum says, you reply with.

'Why are you texting me in class! Studying for English exam!'

You place your phone on the table as you finish writing the sentence you were writing before. Once you finished that you sat there and read through everything, trying to remember things.

'Like I said Bored!! Can I help?'

Another text from Calum pops up.

'Alright don't blame me if you get detention! Um sure'

You reply as you sharpen your pencil.

'Haha alright, what does a comma do?'

You almost fall backwards off your chair and choke on your own saliva.

'Uhhh is that the best you can do? Really Cal what does a comma do! That's the best you got? Wow I think I'll stick to revising my papers!'

You chuckle and relax as people start to stare. You put your phone in your pocket and revise more, making sure you know everything because everything and anything will most likely be in the exam.


Your phone goes off, you unlock your screen and enter your pass code.

'Suit yourself!! You in library?'


You look at the time, only half an hour left. You sit back and relax for while. You decide to listen to music to make time pass. The doors of the library suddenly open, you look as a familiar figure appears. "Hey! what are you doing here?" You ask as Calum sits down next to you. "Got bored..." You look at him and widen your eyes. "You wagged the rest of Maths?" You look at him surprised. "We got let out early!" Calum laughs. "That's not funny! You could have gotten in trouble!" You say still shocked. "But I didn't even wag so there's no trouble there!" Calum says chilling back in the chair.

"And what was with 'what does a comma do?' haha like seriously!" You laugh. "Hey! that's not funny!" "Oh, my bad!" You try and stay serious but end up laughing. You look at the clock on the wall, 2 minutes left. You pack away your things and place your school bag on your back. You and Calum stand up and get ready to walk out the library. The bell goes for lunch as you and Calum walk over to the spot you sit. "Shit why does it have to be raining!" Calum says as he steps in a puddle.

"Stupid hair!" He goes on. "God Calum your such a girl!" You laugh as you sit down at your bench. "Excuse me!" Calum places his hands on his hips. "Stop being so hilarious!" Calum says sarcastically. "That's fine, I'll just be plain boring... That's cool with me!" You say getting your lunch out your bag. "Oh whatever!" You laugh and joke around more even if Calum doesn't like it.


please vote and comment if you liked it! but it was absolutely crap so that doesn't matter!

But thanks for reading! :) <3

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