(Luke) 'Amnesia'

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Dedicated to Aofie! Hope you like it! (I forgot to write down your username) :'( sorrrrryyyyy

Oh heads up LUKES POV trying something different, kinda....

Woo getting closer to opening requests again! (please don't request any, yet)



"Will she be okay?" I asked the doctor who was holding a clip board and checking her machines. "We don't know until she wakes up, nothing is showing up on the scans." The doctor replied. "Okay, thanks..." I said fiddling with my fingers, as I sat in a the chair beside her. "Just watch her, any movements please record straight to me?" I nodded as I looked at the figure in front of me, not moving or making a sound. "Aofie please... Wake up!" I pleaded, placing my head in my hands, replaying the event that occurred, placing her in this situation.

"But..." "You don't understand! Listen to me!" I growled. "I am!" Her voice shouted back. "Ugh Aofie Stop it!" "Stop what Luke? I'm not doing anything!" "That's the point!" I yelled making Aofie jump. "Oh so it's my fault? For studying my ass off to get good grades? My fault I don't get to see you? Is that what you think?" She replied. "I-" "No, you can't take the time to see me, I HAVE to see you? Don't I? That's what you think!" "I'm sorry..." I spoke quietly. "No, no you're not..." She cried, tears spilling from her eyes slowly running down her cheek.

"Ple-" I reached for her, gripping her shoulder with my hand. "Luke, stop!" She angrily slapped my hand away... that's when everything went down hill. It was like a movie being played back in slow motion. Her foot got caught under a leg of a chair and before I knew it, she had fallen... Hard. I suddenly felt like nothing, like everything that was my world was gone, and broken into pieces. As I stood there and watched her collapse. My heart raced uncontrollably and I broke down, crying as I ran to her, holding her in my arms.

I couldn't process what was happening, her weight suddenly disappeared from my grip. I looked up to see blurry coloured flashing lights. My world came crumbling down as I sobbed again, with no strength in me whatsoever.


Now I'm in a chair, waiting for my sweetheart to wake up. Knowing it was my fault and that I did this, I just... I can't bare to see her like this, I wish it was me who suffered rather than her, she doesn't deserve this at all... She was only trying to help solve what I was doing, which was nothing... "Babe, I need you to wake up, I know you're strong! Come on!" I pleaded again, she has to wake up. I reached for her hand, rubbing my thumb over her cold palm touching her fingers as I fiddled with them. I looked at her beautiful flawless face, her eyes were closed as she slept so peacefully. At least that's what I thought she was doing.

I lifted the chair forward so I was close to her side. I need her to wake up, she's my everything. "Aofie, if you can hear me, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad, or yelled at you. I was being selfish, I just... I need you r- right now please... wake up!"  I squeezed her hand tight, hoping to get a response, but only the cool feeling of her fingers placed gently with mine. A tear streamed freely down my cheek as I imagined what my life would be like without her, no more of her laughter and joy. No more jokes and cuddles, I miss her cuddles. The warm feeling of her body with mine and the smell of her beautiful hair and they way she would look up at me and smile... I just want my girlfriend back.

I swallowed the dry lump forming in my throat as I remembered her touch and the memories I never can escape because I'm not fine at all... "Why couldn't it be me?" I questioned putting my head down onto our entwined fingers, giving myself a moment to think. I pressed a soft kiss to her hand, hoping she would wake up soon. I breathed out and checked the time, the clock on the wall said it was 3am.

"Luke. . ." I heard her, I watched her lips move again whispering softly, barely making a sound. "Aofie babe, are you okay? I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I love you so so so so so much!" I stood up sqeezing her hand tighter. "I'm okay, I love you too Lukey" Her voice croaked. "I love you!"

I brushed her hair away from her eyes and gently pressed my lips to hers, knowing I'm never going let her go again. "I missed you so much! I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what. I want you to know that okay? I love you and we can make it work? As long as I'm with you I'm happy, anywhere you go... I'll follow." She smiled showing her teeth, "Luke, it's okay!" "Baby, I'm so sor-" The guilt still ate me, she cut me off. "Hey, I'm alive... and I'm still with you! We're good, trust me!" "Okay..." I smiled looking into her eyes. "Everything's gonna be alright!" She whispered in my ear. "I love you so freaking much!" I stroked her cheek.

"Is every- oh hello, I see you're awake! Lets take a look shall we?" The doctor from before came in. "Alright, look into the light" He said as he placed a little light in Aofie's eyes. "Okay good, and you know who this boy is?" "My wonderful boyfriend Luke" She replied smiling at me. "Alright, well done! Do you feel tired at all?" He walked over to her machines, checking things. "A little, but I'm fine!" "Great, there's no sign of Amnesia..." He smiled at me. "Great!" I returned the smile. "Everythings great, but please do get some rest, both of you!" He assured us. I nodded and turned my attention to Aofie. "I love you more than anything in this world, you mean everything to me..." I whispered in her ear. Knowing she's going fine and is awake is all I care about, I have my world back alive and healthy.


Sorry Aofie if you didn't like it being Luke's POV :'( please forgive me... I tired to make it good....

so this has lyrics but not the I dunno 'plot' isn't really Amnesia if that makes sense. ENDING WAS SHIT

Michael imagine coming soon, be prepared its gonna be called WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER!! be excited! I am! and I haven't even typed it yet hehe

Okay... byeeee

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