(Luke) 'Middle of Nowhere'

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Dedicated to Karen, I apologize for making you wait forever... hope you like it though! (SORRY KAREN IF THATS THE WRONG USERNAME awkward otherwise...)



"You have to stop doing that!" You screamed at Luke. "What?" He laughed at you. "Ugh you annoy me!" "What was I doing?" A chuckle escaped his lips. "Singing so beautifully I can't focus!" You were driving, Luke was in the passenger seat. "We're gonna be late I know it!" You frowned letting a deep sigh out. "Hey, chill I know a short cut!" You and Luke we're meeting with the rest of the boys. Calum, Ashton and Michael for a night out.. kind of camping. Running late was your thing with Luke, he never really cared about being on time. And you just happen to be with him every damn time!

"I hope you're short cut works! It's gonna get dark soon and I'm cold!" You replied worried as you looked towards Luke. "So?" You said waiting for him to tell you. "Oh um, I think you, uh turn right then keep going." "Luke are you sure? You don't seem to seem right!" You did what he said anyway, turning the wheel and driving up to another road of turns. "I sure hope you're right, which way now?" You slowed the car down and waited for the directions. "Right..." Luke said looking away from your gaze. "I think..." You heard him mumble. "Well if we get lost it's all your fault!"

"We won't! Hey you're the one taking my advice and driving!" Luke raised his hands backing away. "So this is my fault? you're the one giving directions!" You laughed. "Karen I think you need a GPS!" Looking over at Luke you noticed him tense up. "Why?" You questioned preparing for what he had to say next. "I think we're lost..." "Stop saying think! We are lost!" The road came to a dead end. "We could try going left?" "Do you even know the way? Or have you been guessing the whole way?" "Well yeah..." Luke turned his head looking out the window. "Well yeah for what?" The road was desert like, the wind blowing the dirt creating a dust storm. "Just try left..." Luke said, at this point you were frustrated at him.

"Trust me, we will find our way eventually!" Luke always had this vibe, to always find a certain way to get what he wants, this boy just doesn't give up. "I guess I'll try left..." You rambled on and focused on the positive things, like at least you have gas so you can travel different places. Or so you thought, the car suddenly stopped in the middle of the dirty road. "Please don't tell me we're out of gas..."  "We have gas!" Luke laughs but realizes the harsh expression on your face and drops his head down. "You didn't fill up the car? Luke that's why we were at the gas station!" "I got distracted by the limo next to us..." "Luke! it's just a car!" You slammed the palm of your hands on the wheel angrily. "It's not the end of the world... We could always push the car..." Luke suggested, "Alright, lets see how that goes!" You said sarcastically. You opened the car door and slammed it shut, attempting to push the car.

"Oh we have no signal as well!" Luke cried,holding up his phone. "LUKE! Help!?" You replied trying again to push the car, it wasn't working. "Well at least it not raining!" Luke mentioned, you looked up at the clouds which were grey. "AND ITS STARTING TO RAIN! ISN'T THAT JUST GREAT, HUH LUKE! ITS RAINING!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. "I'm sorry..." Luke glanced at you, his face filled with guilt. "Well sorry just isn't good enough! We're stranded in the middle of nowhere!" "We have blankets and pringles... I know you love pringles! and cuddling! Come on... it can't be that bad, and we have a car to keep us sheltered!" Luke thought about some advantages. "Plus... we're all alone, with no one near us!" Luke whispered in your ear, as you sat down back in the car. His hot breath tickling your cold ear, giving you goose bumps.

"Well, when you put it that way..." A smile crept on your face as you whispered back to Luke. He smirked instantly at your reply and leaned in. "You know I love you right?" You mumbled gently kissing Luke's jawline. "I know, I forgive you!" "How did you kno-" "I figured you'd say sorry, you can't stay mad for more than a few hours!" Luke chuckled placing a soft kiss on your lips. Smiling into the kiss you pulled away and looked at Luke's flawless features, the way his eyes sparkled in the moon light and the way his hair was still managing to be perfectly quiffed upwards. It was like nothing in this world could make Luke ugly, because he just wouldn't be ugly in your eyes. He's perfect in every single way possible. "You're so amazing Luke..." The slight touch of his fingers cupped the left side of your chin, lifting your head up to his height.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," You paused, smiling before saying "you just keep me grounded, always seeing the positive in things..." "Well I try my best!" "The thing is, I love all the cute little things you do for me the most, like the way you hold my hand, give me piggy back rides, you don't need to surprise me with anything because just that is fine and I love you no matter what... You don't need to be a billionaire..." Finishing your speech that came out of nowhere you looked down to see your hands entwined. "I love you Karen and that's all that matters, all I want to do it be with you!" Luke gave your hand a squeeze and pressed his lips on your cheek. 'Maybe being in the middle of nowhere made things stronger between Luke and I', now all we have to do is wait for someone to rescue us...' You thought as your lips moved in sync with his.










hope you liked it! :-)


I think I like this one.... i dunno WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK???????? :\

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