(Ashton) 'Together'

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Dedicated to Katherine!

**Quick warning, depression and self harming are included**

Enjoy otherwise and know that if you need someone to talk to I'm here! LUB CHU :--) xx



"Katherine, you have to listen to me!" Ashton said trying to make things better, he knew you were having trouble dealing with depression but it only led to arguing most times. This time, it was much worse. "No I don't! I can't deal with this anymore Ash!" You looked down, even if he was right, it didn't feel right. "I'm here! I always am!" You shake your head. "No, no you're not!" You stand up, tears forming in your eyes, your vision disappearing as the cold and salty wet droplets escaped. "You always miss me just when I'm falling apart, you don't answer you phone when I actually need you! You don't do anything! Ashton you have to tell me what's going on! Because sooner or later I'm not gonna be here!" "Stop acting like I'm the bad guy! I'm not!" His foot moved, walking past you.

"Ashton, come back! I-" A door slammed, making you flinch. "No!" You shouted, tears rapidly fell on your cheeks as they became soaking wet. A feeling in your gut formed, not sure what it was you collapsed onto the couch. Sobbing you immediately thought of the only thing that makes you feel again. A blade against your skin, it was the one thing that made you feel alive. Getting up and wiping away the dry consistency of the tear stains, you slowly walked to the bathroom. Going into your secret stash not even Ashton knew about, you found the blade. The sharp edges reflecting on the light making it look as shiny as ever before, like it was a piece of jewellery.

'Maybe if I only do it once, it might release all the pain' you think as you take a deep breath in, slowly rising the blade to your arm, you turned over your arm so veins appear. Voices inside your head started haunting you, surrounding you with more anger and endless pain. Placing the knife on the edge of your skin, you dragged it across seeing the pool of blood drip down onto the floor, drip by drip.

Ashton doesn't care, he walked out...

He'll never come back.

How could he possibly love someone like me?

I'm just a worthless piece of shit.

The voices in your head never stopped, and neither did you. The blood surrounded the white titles like a stream of red coloured water. Slowly exploring out of your arm and onto the cold floor, which was now red with blood. You felt faint, and couldn't keep your eyes open any longer, dizziness injected your body like a tornado, your world spinning around and around over again. "I love you Katherine!" You smiled remembering his sweet voice, it repeatedly replaying in your head. "Ash-" you murmured over all the stumbling and drain less of your body. "Katherine?" His voice whispered, he walked out? Where is it coming from? You wonder and turn you head towards the door, the bright light making you squint. The cold floor hitting your exposed legs from your shorts.

"Katherine, open up beautiful..." 'Beautiful, he called me beautiful?' Your heart started pumping faster as you ached. The flesh of your arm coming to a pale white, blood still coming out just at a slower pace. Your opposite arm reached the arm, barely enough energy to unlock the door, the truth was... You missed Ashton. That's all it ever was, you just couldn't bring yourself to speak up, to actually tell him. So you got depressed, he knew. But he thought it got better, he thought he could let you go on your own, but it just shattered down and you were too afraid to talk to him. "Babe, please! I need you here... I'm so sorry, I thought I-" Ashton whimpered, on his breaking point. "I need you so bad!" He cried, hearing his body slam harshly against the door. Using your fingers you flicked the door unlock, the handle quickly turned as the door was pulled open.

"Oh my, Katherine! Shit, baby are you okay? Tell me you're okay? I need you, Katherine!" His eyes were red from crying, his hands shaking as they took hold of your body. "You're okay! You're gonna be fine!" His head rested under your neck, breathing heavily. Luckily you didn't cut too deep to kill you, Ashton had tightly wrapped your arm to stop anymore blood from getting wasted. "Katherine, I love you... Always remember that! You know I'm always here, you just have to speak up!" Your lips smiled, slowly opening your eyes from the harsh lights you see his face. His eyes glistening from the reflection of the white titles showing the light. "I love y-you A-Ashton" He grinned showing his teeth knowing you're still alive. "I love you so so much, we'll get through this, together!"


Sorry to Katherine if that's not what you wanted written.. Maybe I was feeling down when I wrote this? It took me more than a week until now to think of something and start writing it!!

I only wrote on things I've read, sorry if this triggered anyone.. Love you all to bits! Hope you liked it! ❤️❤️

Peace ✌️

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