(5SOS) 'Carry me Home?'

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Yay! I'm getting more requests woooo! thankyou! :D Sorry if this one isn't the best :\



"Sup!" you hear a voice come behind you. "Ma homie what's up!" you say as you turn around and face Ashton. "Where are the others?" you ask as you sit down on the couch. "There being dick heads" you look around the room and see the others banging around on Ashton's drums. "Why don't you tell them to be quiet!" you say looking over to him. He shrugs his shoulders. "Hm can't be fucked moving!" Ashton says laughing after. "I got this!" you stand up and march over to the rest of the guys. "Oi shut up!" you say as you cross your arms over your chest looking at the boys. "Make us!" Michael says hitting the snare on the drum loud.

"I'm going to ask you one more time... SHUT... THE... FUCK... UP!" you sigh and walk back to the couch. "What-ever!" Michael says, doing a hand movement. "Guys can we just practice! Stop mucking around!" Ashton said as he moved off the couch and walked to his drum kit. "Sorry Mr 'I'm the boss!' geez." Calum says as he gets up and walks over to his seat grabbing his bass guitar. "1, 2, 3, and 4" Ashton says hitting the bass with his foot. You sit back and watch them rehearse.

"Guys, that was so awesome..." You say as they just finished practicing Wherever You Are. "I know!" Luke says chuckling. "What should we do now?" Ashton asks everyone. "ICE-CREAM" Michael suddenly yells. "Alright then, lets get some!" You reply happily.  Everyone packs away there things as you then head out the door. You've finally reached the ice-cream shop after a long walk. "Wait guys! let me catch my breath!" You say bending down and placing your hands on top of your knees.

"We just walked down the street!" Ashton laughs. "Easy for you to say Mr I've got a 4 pack!" "Stop blaming everything on meee!" Ashton whins and pretends to cry, you take a breath "Alright lets go" You say as Michael moves opening the door. You sit down as you now wait for your order. After awhile of waiting you now sit licking your ice-cream. "Guys lets go, we have to finish recording!" Luke says almost finishing his ice-cream.

"Um, could someone carry me?" You say licking your ice-cream, you really can't be bothered wasting your energy just on walking. "God you need to get fit!" Calum says looking at you. You laugh but then realise what he had just said. "Are you calling me fat?" You question staring at him. "What no way!" Calum replies walking in front of you. "Ok, fine I'll just get hit by a car" You say as you start walking on the road. "Hey! Get back here!" Luke drags you back on the footpath. "I'm gonna die anyway if I walk!" You complain, you'll die either way. "You'll live!" Michael says as you start walking slowly.

After the walk back to the studio your puffed, the boys make fun of you as you enjoy the rest of the day hanging out with them.


Sorry if it was short! :\ I couldn't think of a scene for this imagine.. :(

(requests are the next few so yeah... just saying)

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