(Calum) 'Unexpected'

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SO LIKE OVER 5k READS OOSSFUVDGSEASUWIEHJADSUJUHGJDKNDKVXKAF anyway... this one is to celebrate! Wait didn't I only write one for 4k?? whattttt? Hope you like it!



Your parents are going out of town for a night to celebrate a propotion job they got. Your parents decided that you could go over your best friends house for a night. You get up from your position and look at you phone, a message from your best friend Calum popped up. 'See ya soon' You smile as you reply with a smiley face. You quickly get dressed in a shirt and some black trackie pants. It's only Calum so it's not like you have to get dressed up or anything. Plus it's a just sleepover.

You walk to your kitchen and grab some ceral. Whilst you place the milk on the kitchen bench there lay a note near the fruit bowel. You pick it up and read it. 'Have fun at Calum's house! We will be back around dinner tomorrow' you put the note in the bin and go back to pouring your milk into your cereal. 'They'll be gone for 2 days' You think as you grab a spoon and start eating. Once you finish you go into the bathroom and get ready. Your finally finished as you grab your gear and walk out the front door. You lock it and start walking in the direction of Calum's house.

You finally reach his house, you knock on the door. "Coming!" You hear him yell, the door suddenly bursts open. "Oh, its just you, I was expecting the pizza guy" Calum jokes, you laugh and reply with "As if you'd order pizza this early in the morning!" Calum checks his phone. "It's 12:30 what you on about? someone slept in!" Calum chuckles as he walks back in, you follow through the familiar house. Making your way to the spare room that Calum has. You place your things at the end of the bed and sit down, Calum stands and looks at you.

"What?" You question. "I don't know what to do? I was just writing but you showed up..." Calum says a bit awkward and sarcastically. "Continue writing! maybe I could help?" You then follow Calum into his bedroom as he grabs his guitar and note book. Calum shows you what he's written and then plays it on the guitar. "That was-" The door bell rings interupting you. "Awesome!" You continue as you follow Calum to the door. It was the pizza guy, Calum finished paying as he held 2 boxes of pizza. "One for you, and one for me!" Calum says placing them on the kitchen bench. "Good thing there only small" You say taking a seat next to him and grabbing a slice.

After you finish eating and chatting, you decide to blarst music through the house. You laugh and start singing and dancing. Calum joins in and plays along on his guitar. After a few hours of 'rocking out' Calum decides to put a movie on. You lay back on the couch and wait for the movie to play. "Oh my god Calum! Look! what the hell!" You were on your phone logged in facebook as you waited. A certain notification had come up, it was Dylan the school 'Player' You showed Calum as it said he had liked one of your photos. It was a selfie you posted while you were home alone one day.

"Bitch please, why the hell would he try something with you! heck no! Here give me!" Calum said grabbing your phone out of your hands. "Grin for me!" Calum says to you as he holds your phone out in front of you two. "Why?" You question, but forget about it as you do what he says. Your Expecting him to smile with you but he turns quickly and pecks your cheek, with his lips. "That'll teach him not to mess with ma gurl!" He says in a gangsta tone. You laugh as you look over to Calum. He posts it and gives your phone back, you look at the photo and smile, never have you thought he would do that. But your friends just close friends....


I know that was short but I couldnt think and at least it an update! pretty please vote or comment if you liked it!

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