(5SOS) 'Get The Door!'

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2k until my imagines reach 300K ODNLAIFHBAJDFALFD you guys are so awesome! thankyou so much for reading my imagines! it means the world to me! :-) x



"(Y/N) get the door!" Your brother Calum said, "Why don't you get it?" You shouted back. "You're closer!" He argued. "Ugh!" You got up off the couch and unlocked the door. "Uh hi.." A male with brown and blonde streaks said. "Um Calum's inside, come in!" You awkwardly gestured your hand for him to come in. "Thanks!" He smiled. You walked back to the couch and continued watching TV. "Uh knock knock!" Someone said followed my three knocks on the door. "What do you want?" You angrily said opening the front door again. This time a guy with blonde hair quiffed up, spoke.

"Uh hello um..." He mumbled, looking at his blue eyes. "Let me guess... Here for Calum?" You asked. "Yeah, mind if I come in?" He answered back. "Actually I do mind but just walk right in..." You slammed the door this time. "OI DONT SLAM THE DOOR!" Calum yelled. "OH WELL SORRY!" Falling back on the couch you cuddled up to your blanket and rested your head on your pillow. "(Y/N) CAN YOU GET US SNACKS!? BEING THE NICE SISTER THAT YOU ARE?" Calum's voice shouted. "FUCK OFF CALUM!" You yelled back, not moving from your position.

"Pleaseeeeee pleaseeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Calum sang. "If I do, will you stop singing!?" You rolled your eyes and got up, lifting the warm sheets off you. "YESSSS thankyouuuuu!!!" Calum said in excitement. Suddenly a bang was at the door. "WHO IS IT NOW?" You said furiously. "Hey, I'm Ashton!" A boy with Curley golden brown hair said. "Well hi Ashton I'm (Y/N) Calum's in the backyard doing whatever boys do!" "Are you okay? You sound pissed off? Let me guess Calum?" The boy chuckled. "Oh, I'm fine... It's just Calum's a pain in the arse! Now if you don't mind, I have to go get snacks for King Calum!"

"(Y/N) What's taking so lon-" He paused. "Oh, I see you've met Ashton!" He continued. "Hey man, have you guys started rehearshing yet?" Ashton questioned. "Oh nah, the others just got here a few minutes ago." "Rehearsh for what?" You asked curious, what was Calum hiding? "Oh, you haven't told her? Really after all this time?" Ashton eyed Calum and laughed looking towards your confised expression. "What's going on Calum?" You stuffed the bowl with chips into his chest, he moved back in surprise taking the bowl from your hands.

"I'm in a band (Y/N)!" "You're in a what?" You asked double checking. "I'm in a band!" "Wow! I didn't know you could even make friends! Let alone be in a band with three other hot guys!" You smirked over at Calum. "Oh no you don't!" He pulled Ashton along, as they walked back outside to get away from you. "Well that was entertaining, I'll have to make a metal note to answer the door more often!" You giggled to yourself, finally relaxing back on the couch with no more interuptions.


I know that was short but I have a non request one coming up which I think will be epic! stay tuned posting it sooooooooooon!

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