(Calum) 'Goodbye'

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This is it, Calum's never going to see me ever again. Why does he have to travel the world? Why can't he just not have any talent? Why does he have to be famous? Why does he have to leave me? Why!! You don't think you can handle this. But you're happy for him to be doing what he loves. You're at the airport with him and the boys. You've known Calum for 3 years and have never had to say goodbye to him, until now. You sit on one of the chairs near the gates waiting for their plane to come.

"What's going to happen when you come back?" You say looking at Calum who was standing up. "What do you mean?" He says looking back at you confused. "Between us" You say back. He just looks at you and smiles. "Nothings going to happen, I'm still your best friend... Forever and Always!" He replies sitting down next to you. "Well that's good to know" You laugh. Calum's plane is just about to board. Your heart beats faster and your stomach starts to do flips. "Well I guess this is goodbye" You say standing up ready to hug him. "Don't worry, you'll be fine! I'll try and contact you whenever I can Okay?" Calum said also standing.

You make eye contact with him for a quick second before moving in for a hug. You wrap your arms around him and hold him tight, not wanting to let go. "I miss you already!" You say stepping back from the hug, Calum laughs. "Yeah right!" He chuckles. "Whatever!" You playfully slap him across the arm. He acts hurt and gives you puppy eyes and pretends to cry. "Say sorry!" Calum says in a baby voice.

You laugh and give in. "Sorry!" You say smiling. "Seriously though I'm going to miss you heaps!" Calum nods. "Me too!" You laugh "Your going to miss yourself? Why? Where are you going?" You joke. "Exactly my point!" Calum says trying to be a smart ass. "And your point was what exactly?" You say glancing at your phone. 2 minutes until they're supposed to be already on the plane. Calum just shrugs his shoulders. "Alright then" You say "I guess this is goodbye for a while" You continue. "Yeah" Calum says as he looks down at you.

"Don't have too much fun without me!" You say to Calum, he just wraps his arms around you tightly. "It wont be the same without you! I better get going" He says looking over at the boys making there way over to the plane. Calum grabs his suitcase and starts walking off. "Bye! Have fun!" You yell he smiles at you and blows you a kiss from the distance. You catch it and pretend to put it in your pocket. You watch as he gets smaller and smaller and then disappears. 'I'm gonna be so lost without him here to guide me' you say in your head as you make your way out the airport. But he'll come back... He has too!...


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