(Calum) 'All About You!'

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Dedicated to Julz, hope you like it! :)



"Calum? Are you ready to go?" You asked looking down at your hands as you waited for Calum to finish his hair. "We're going to be outside anyway, it doesn't need to be perfect!" You and Calum are going to a beach fair. But right now, Calum was fixing his hair. He says it needs to be ‘perfect’. “Almost done babe!” Calum lightly shouts running his fingers through his hair, he had just got a haircut; it was a quiff to be exact. “We’re going to be late!” You whine. “Everyone just turns up whenever, don’t worry we got this!” Calum chuckles.

“Alright…” You shrug your shoulders, believing him. You hate being late, but if Calum says so then it must be true. “Done!” He yells grinning; he walks over to you and smiles. “Finally!” You smirk evilly. “What?” Calum looks at you confused and scared. “Is my hair bad?” he asks, you chuckle and quickly place your fingers roughly through his hair, making it all messy. “Hey! That took me ages!” Calum pouts; you start to run around the house hoping not to get caught. Sadly with Calum he was fit, he had muscles and could surely run fast. “Shit!” You curse as you hear his footsteps coming close.

You run to one side of the couch, holding onto its arm for support. Calum stood on the other side smirking at you. “No don’t! Please no! I didn’t mean too! I was just mucking around. Don’t hurt me!” You rush your sentence, covering your face with your hands. You stand there waiting for Calum to pounce at you. Instead you feel arms clasp around your waist, and a head lean on your shoulder. “Are you serious Julz? I could never hurt you and I never will! Let’s get going shall we?” You smile as you feel his breath tickle against your skin.

Walking out the front door, hand and hand you walk towards the beach. “It’s such good weather!” You say looking at the sun behind the clouds, making it somewhat shady. “It’s nice…” Calum simply replies. “What?” You ask, ‘Something seems wrong’ you think as you look towards him. “Nothing…” Calum tries to convince you. “Calum Thomas Hood, nothing is obviously something!” You stop walking; he follows as you look at him in the eyes. He looks down at you and smiles. “Okay, I never really wanted to go to this beach fair!” Your mouth forms the shape of an ‘O’. “Why?” You raise an eye brow. “I wanted to just spend it cuddling with you…” You smile at the thought of him mentioning staying home and cuddling each other.

“Well, we can always cuddle at the fair, please just for me have fun?” Calum nods, “Anything for you!” He reaches down and pecks your lips. You walk the rest of the way in a comfortable silence. You hear fair music start playing and rides everywhere, the beach was huge. It had a bonfire and lots of food stools. “Where to first malady?” “Hm fairy floss?” You mumble looking towards the stand. You feel your hand being pulled towards it. Completely lost by what was happening, all you wanted was the taste of the sweet candy melting away in your mouth.

Within a second, Calum had fairy floss in his hands. “Here you go beautiful” Calum smiled, making you blush. You cover your face with the massive stick of fairy floss that you hold. “Aw don’t hide!” Calum tugs away your hands, moving them down. “That’s better!” Calum laughs; you smile and take a piece of the sweet and soft cotton candy. “Where to now?” Calum entwines your fingers with his. “Well, it’s quite humid, so… How about the water balloons?” You grin hoping he’ll agree. “Sure! Let’s go!” He replied laughing. “Yay!” You squeal in excitement. You walk over to the activity, seeing other couples and groups holding a water balloon in their hands.

“On three, start throwing the balloons, last couple standing wins a prize!” The host of the event shouted and began to count down. Calum stood roughly 3 metres across from you holding the balloon. “GO!” The lady shouted, Calum instantly reacted fast and threw the medium sized water balloon towards you. Catching it you threw it back, “Take two steps back!” Everyone followed her instruction, but some people failed to catch it or the balloon exploded right in front of them, getting all their clothes wet. Finally it was you and Calum against an older couple. You now had two balloons passing them back and forth; all of a sudden you felt your fingers slip right through the balloon, making it pop.

“OH MY GOD!” You screamed; water flooded all over your top running down on your pants. Calum laughed hysterically, you evilly eyed him. “Ah shit!” He cursed, his balloon had popped unpredictably. “Ah we’re both wet! What should we do now?” You walk up to Calum, he breaths out a chuckle and smirks. “What?” You say in a serious tone, a smile soon appears on your lips from the look of Calum’s face. “I’m gonna get you!” He stands there and motions his head the other way, signalling for you to run away. You pace quickly on the grainy white sand and then start sprinting with all your energy.

You glance behind to see Calum on your tail, your foot goes forward into the sand making you fall on your back. Calum comes crashing down next to you. “Why hello there!” Calum whispers and smiles, he turns on his side and places his right hand on your waist. “Hello Calum!” You laugh. His touch lingered through your body, making a sweet sensation appear. You cuddled closer towards his chest, pressing your head underneath his neck. “This was fun, thank you!” You mumble as a cool breeze appears. “No problem, actually I should be thanking you for bringing me along!” “Oh please, it not all about me!”

“But in my eyes it’s all about you!” Calum’s lips brush against your lips, as he leans in and presses them firmly against yours. His soft, warm and desirable lips only pull away for a second before they reach for yours again. You smile into the kiss; pulling back you press your forehead against his. “I love you…” Calum’s voice was soft and husky. “I love you too…” Smiling again, you think of memories of being together. All the happy thoughts he’s bought you, you could never picture your life without him.


Haven’t updated in ages...  Sorry!

My birthday is on the 20th of February just saying… Lol, it would be amazing to see my imagines hit 90k reads? On my BIRTHDAY!! CAN WE DO IT? YES WE CAN WOO I’ll be updating a Luke one maybe later today…


Thanks for reading! <3

Lub chu all

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