(Michael) 'Go With Da Flow'

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Dedicted to Shelby! Enjoy..



"Michael, how long are you going to take?" You stood by him watching as he picked out a new x-box game. "You don't need anymore games!" You chuckled as Michael picked the game he wanted. "Excuse me? I've been wanting this game for months now!" He chuckled walking up to the counter. "Thank you!" He took the bag and started wandering out the shop. "You coming?" He smiled. You paced quickly and caught up to him. "Where to now?" "Food" was all Michael answered. "Oh yes good choice!" You walked side by side entering the food court. "Oh shit..." Michael said putting his head down. "What?" You quickly answered looking around and seeing if anything looked familiar.

"Fucking Daniel is here, oh look he brought another girl with him this time!" You knew pretty well of who this Daniel guy was. Michael had told you everything about him, he was raw and mean, didn't give a damn about anyone or anything. The schools player he sure was. "We have to be quick!" Michael looked at you, you nodded in response and put your ninja skills to the test. Michael grabbed your hand as you snuck around the corner. Daniel had said some nasty things to Michael whilst at school. But you had never gotten the chance to meet or see Daniel before, until today that is.
"What the fuck! He's coming this way?" Michael freaked out, pulling you closer.

"Go with it!" You looked at him confused "Go with wh-" a kiss on the cheek from Michael surprised you. "Michael Fancy seeing you here? Who's the lucky lady?" Daniel's voice didn't sound too raw, in fact he sounded like a friend of Michael's. "This is Shelby! My girl friend! Who's that? Is she better than all your other girl friends you've had, and how much is that? Maybe like 5 a month? Sleeping around with you? Oh I'm sorry, it's nice to meet you!" Michael looked over to the girl and smiled sweetly. "I- no! I love her!" Daniel was speechless, as the girl looked like she was about to slap him.

"How long have you and Sharlene been dating?" Daniel spoke with hate. Fire filled inside of you, 'he shouldn't get MY name wrong, Michael said it literally only 5 seconds ago!' You raged in your mind, keeping it cool on the outside. "It's Shelby yo-" you spoke but got cut off by Daniel. "That's nice!" "Three years!" Michael announced proudly. You had to clench your jaw together to keep it from dropping. You pulled on Michael's arm to warn him from saying anything else stupid. "We don't have time to chat!" You spat at Daniel. "Aw why the rush?" He pouted, kissing his fake blonde bimbo (Sorry if I offended anyone) on the lips. Michael turned to face you, your eyes connecting together for a split second. You knew Michael and knew what he was thinking. 'Two can play at that game!'

You could see a look in his eyes that read sorry, that's when you realised he started moving closer. Everything went slow, suddenly it felt like Michael was the only one with you. It was like he was all you focused on, not the noise of people socialising or laughing with friends, not that idiotic guy named Daniel and his lame girl friend, only Michael was all that mattered in the moment. Your eyes moved to his lips, then back to his eyes and before you knew it, Michael's lips were connected like peanut butter and jelly, they were meant to be. His pale, white and cold hand cupped your cheek, his thumb gently stroked the apple of it, making your face feel flushed.

"Cough cough, god it's like you've never kissed before! What is wrong with you? Get a room!" You stepped back, quickly glancing at Michael before replying to what Daniel had said. "What is your problem? Is it because we're better than you?" You crossed your arms and waited for a reply, Daniel laughed hysterically like it was the funniest thing he's ever heard. "Pfft no, it's because you guys suck! Geez she's feisty!" He answered looking at Michael as a chuckled escaped his lips. "If you don't leave I'm gonna physically hurt you!" You warned him, his one and only ever warning. "Yeah right!" He turned to his girl friend and laughed with her. "I would do what she saids, she isn't joking around!" Michael pointed out.

"He never gives up!" Michael whispered in your ear, giving you slight butterflies. "Lets just walk away..." You mumbled back, earning a wink from Michael. "Food, thank god!" Michael cheered, as you now sat down at a table eating Delicious food. "Oh my god, I think I'm in heaven!" Michael dug into his food. "Haha you sound like your dying!" "Nom nom nom!" He shook his head side to side making a grunting noise. "That's attractive!' You laughed taking  bite of your favourite fast food meal. "Yeah!" He said chewing his food. "Michael! Chew with your mouth closed!" "Who are you? My mother?" He replied swallowing the last of his food. You didn't like sitting down for long, Michael knew that. He belted up, motioning towards the exit. You walked side by side, but something couldn't get out of your mind.

"Michael..." Pausing you looked at the ground, trying to avoid any awkwardness between the two of you. "Hmm?" He replied, you could feel his stare, waiting for you to say whatever it was. "What are we?" You swallowed and looked up, meeting his eyes. "I dunno, lets just go with da flow?" Michael laughed grabbing hold of you hand, swinging it back and forth. "Sounds good Mikey!" You said happily leaning your head on his shoulder, breathing out as you exited the shops heading towards his house. "I really love you Shellby" Michael pulled you to a stop, looking deep into your eyes holding both of your hands ever so gently. You smiled and whispered close. "I love you too Michael.."


I listened to Wrapped Around Your Finger the whole time.. It was great

Thanks for reading :-) x

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