(Calum) 'Special'

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This imagine is dedicated to Ashlea, hope you like it, sorry for making you wait.
Peace ✌️



When you feel most alone only one person manages to be on your mind, just thinking of them and their smile makes you smile. It's their laugh and the way they wrap their arms around you. It was all him, he was everywhere. It was the way he touched your cheek and stroked his thumb up and down, sliding his warm soft hand down to your chin lifting it up your gaze meeting his big brown eyes full of love. You don't know what you'd do without him. You love every second with him and cherish the precious time you have. When he wasn't with you, you felt needless and empty.

"Ashlea?" You hear his soft whisper from behind, you look to your left but don't see anyone. "Ashlea?" You hear his voice echo once more. "Calum?" Your eyes doodle around the room, looking for him. "Ashlea, down here!" You look down from your chair underneath the table. "Calum? What are you doing underneath my table?" You question the figure looking up at you smiling. "Coming to say hi without getting caught!" You laugh and look up, double checking no one was watching. "But why hide underneath my table?"

"I was getting a good view until you crossed your legs!" You mouth opens wide, you look down to see you were wearing shorts. "Hey!" You playfully cross your arms over you chest and look at Calum. "I'm only joking!" Calum chuckles, thinking he was so funny. "Are you just going to stay there forever?" You tap your foot on the carpet. "School is torture, I'm hiding away from hell!" He moved his hands in a wave like he was imagining something big. "Well alright then..." "Are you going to join me?" He pouts, using his puppy dog eyes. "I'd rather stay on a chair rather than the ground thanks!" You chuckle moving your eyes to meet with his. "Oh, I thought we could cuddle! But fine, no cuddle for you!" Calum says moving his head side ways ignoring you.

"Hey, now come on that's not fair!" You point out. "Ashlea needs to apologise to Calum!" Calum intrigued wanting to look but kept his head the other way. "I'm sorry for wanting to stay clean?" A smile forms on your lips from your comment. "That's not very nice!" Calum positions his head facing yours. "Fine, I'm sorry now lets cuddle!" You push your chair out and bend your knees colliding with Calum in the process. "I could stay like this for awhile!" Calum's hands clasp around your waist as your body weight lays on top of his. "It looks like we're making out!" You giggle slightly. "We can make that happen?" His husky voice whispers in your ear, his breath tickling your neck.

"But what if someone walks in on us?" You place you hands lightly on his chest and look down at him.  "Live on the wild side Ashlea!" "You're something special Calum..." You say sweetly smiling at him.  "You're something special Ashlea and you're all mine!" He grins repeating what you said. "And I love you!" Leaning your head down your noses touch, "I love you too Ashlea!" He pecks your cheek and continues until he reaches your lips, his gentle lips pressing down onto yours moving in sync. Suddenly you hear a door open, footsteps moving closer.

"Um, what's happening here?" A deep male voice said, recognizing it was a teacher you quickly shot up. "Nothing, obviously!" You glance away and look at the wall, not wanting to make eye contact. "Ashlea was just sleeping..." Calum scratched his head. "Is that right? Calum?" "Oh so what?" You exclaim eyeing the teacher. "You don't wanna argue with her, shes a fighter!" Calum laughed. "Hey!"  You slap his arm. "Serves you right!" The teacher said walking away. "I lava you!" Calum's succulent pink lips lock with yours again.

Calum was special and unique, now that's hard to find.


I'm sorry that was short... Please continue to vote and comment, I appreciate every comment no matter what!


Until next time, that's all folks! :-) x

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