(Luke) 'Remember'

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Another REQUEST YO! Dedicated to Kelsey! Hope you like it! :) x



‘Breathe’ you tell yourself, your sitting on the couch watching Titanic. You don’t want to cry because someone specific is sitting next to you, Luke Hemmings. The movie is nearly over; it’s up to the part where Jack is in the water and talking to Rose. Your eyes start to get watery. ‘Oh crap’ you think as Jack suddenly sinks down into the cold icy water. You shift your position, now crossing your legs up on the couch with your hands cuddling your waist. Rose just lost the boy of her dreams because of a fucken boat that hit an ice berg.

You couldn’t bear to think what would happen if you lost anyone you loved. Like Luke or a family member, you don’t know how well you would cope with that. Suddenly tears start streaming down your cheeks. You sob silently hoping Luke doesn't hear, you sniff and wipe your eyes. "Kelsey?" Luke's voice hovers towards you. You try not to look at him as you don't want him to see you like this. "Hey, are you okay?" Luke wonders closer towards you, landing close on the spot next to you.

"What? oh um, yeah fine.." You say staring straight on. "Now we both know that's not true! Aw come here!" Luke's arms are suddenly around you holding you tight. "It's okay to cry when watching a sad movie, Ash does it all the time!" Luke chuckles slightly. You laugh, you can't imagine Ashton crying. He's always so cheery and happy. "Are you tired?" Luke's voice whispers, his hot breath giving you chills down your spine.

"Little bit..." You reply whilst still hugging. "Here, I got this earlier" Luke says letting go of you. The cold hits as the warmth from him disappears. Luke now holds a huge warm looking blanket.  He places it over you and him as you lean into him. "You know, I miss having these movie nights and cuddles... We always use to do this..." You say as you place your head in his lap as you lay down on the couch. "Yeah me too, we need to do this a lot more!" Luke smiles as you look up at him. 

It's dark but you can still make out his features, like his perfect jaw line and defined lips. You start to feel shivers go down your spine as you close your eyes slowly. Luke's fingers make your way to your hair as they gently stoke the strands. "I love you, Luke" You whisper slowly opening your eyes. Luke grins and replies with. "I love you too Kelsey..." Your heart belts at his voice saying those words back to you. Butterflies enter your stomach as you remember all these memories of you and him together.

"I've missed you!" Luke softly sings. "So much that I wish I could stay like this foreverrr" Luke sings again like an angel, he expands on the word forever fading it out. You grin and slowly look down to his lips, you haven't touched them in ages. And before you know it lips lock onto yours making your train of thoughts disappear. You kiss back with passion and raise your hand to his right cheek. Making Luke want more. You deepen the kiss but eventually pull back for air.

You enjoy the rest of the night talking about things and how much your glad to have him back.



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