(Michael) 'Pull me Closer'

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Dedicated to Christina, hope you like it! :) x



“Michael?” You say as you wondered around his house trying to find him. You were chilling over at his house playing the x-box. Right now you were struggling to find him, he wondered off earlier to find his phone and he hasn’t been back in 10 minutes. You walked back to the lounge room to find no one there. “MICHAEL?” You yell in frustration. ‘Where are you!’ You now stomp around his house looking everywhere. You make your way to his bed room, slowly opening the door you see him sitting down on his bed. “Michael… What are you doing? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“Sorry, uh got distracted…” He replied fiddling with a pen in his hands. “What you doing?” You ask as you sit down next to him. “Nothing…” He mumbles as he places a note pad on the other side of him. “Holding a pen and having a note pad is clearly nothing!” You say sarcastically. “Like I told you, it’s nothing!” He chuckles slightly. “Let’s go back to playing the x-box now…” He adds getting up from his bed and standing in the door way. “Okay… I’m just gonna go toilet quickly!” You get up, as Michael walks out the room and mumbles something to himself.

You grab the note pad Michael had been using, flicking through the pages. You see his handwriting and some words crossed out. You sit back down on his bed and start reading. It had what seemed like lyrics written all over the place. Expressing his emotions and passion all in one. But one thing struck your mind. Who was he writing about? A girl most probably, but who? Definitely not you.  You continue reading as a grin appears on your face, you knew Michael was talented but not this talented. The whole book was filled with writing.

“Christina?” You hear Michael yell. “Christina!” Michael’s voice shouts as you hear footsteps. “What are- oh uh you why- you weren’t mean to, fuck!” He curses and walks up to you. “This is amazing, Michael!” You hold the note book in your hand and wave it around. “You weren’t meant to read that!” You shrug your shoulders. “Well… I did, you are amazing Michael! But you already know that!” You smirk, Michael smiles at you. “Thanks? And I did not!” Michael says to you as you place the note pad down back in its original place. “Well I’m telling you now Michael, you are amazing!” You nod and smile as you get up and walk back to the lounge room, with Michael following behind.

After a serious few hours of gaming on the x-box, you now sit down on the couch talking with Michael. Your mind keeps thinking of those lyrics Michael had written and who they were about. Curious to know you blurt it out randomly. “You know that note book thing were you wrote lyrics and stuff in? Um, uh just curious who are you writing about?” You swallow and prepare for an answer. “Someone very special to me…” Michael replies with a smile, your eyes trail down to the floor. ‘That could be anyone’ you think as you look up and meet Michael’s eyes with yours.

You look down at your hands and back up again. You only just realised how close Michael is sitting to you. Your mouth goes dry as you feel butterflies enter the pit of your stomach. ‘Why is this happening?’ You question in your mind. “Christina?” Michael whispers close, almost making you shiver. “Yeah?” You look at him confused. “You were staring at me!” You blink and look at Michael’s face with a grin plastered on. “No! You were staring at me!” You say back hoping he didn’t notice you slightly blush. “Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow. “Yeah!” You mumble and cross your arms over your chest. You look down as your eyes wonder around the place, making sure they don’t connect with Michaels.

“Sorry! You win I stared first, okay!” Michael says, but you don’t move. “I’m sorry!” Unexpectedly you feel arms around your waist and pulling you closer. “I said I’m sorry…” Michael whispers in the crook of your neck, his lips tickling against your skin. You wrap your arms around his back and cuddle against his chest. “I was just joking anyway!” He mumbles. “Michael, it’s okay!” You laugh. You breathe out and relax as you enjoy the embrace of being in Michael’s arms. You close your eyes and take a deep breath taking in his familiar scent of cologne. There was silence for a while as you stayed cuddling. You pull away, wishing you could hug him again and never let go. “So… Who was that special someone?” You say referring to the person he wrote what you’re assuming to be songs on.

“You really wanna know?” he says looking at you with a serious expression. “Uh yes!” You feel yourself heating up, unsure of what he’ll reply with. ‘Crap why is he making me so nervous? Does he want me to be jealous of that special someone, because I sure am!’ crazy thoughts run through your mind as Michael smiles at you. “What? Do I have something on my face?” You freak out touching your face everywhere. Michael lets out a laugh. “It’s you…” You almost have a heart attack and fall off the couch.

You’re lost for words but right now, all you want to do is hug him and start crying because he is what makes you happy. For him to do something like this, you wouldn’t even have thought for a second that special someone was in fact you. You’re so happy that you could burst into tears. No one has ever done something like that for you, you’ve read the lyrics with your own eyes and you now know that Michael shouldn’t be just a friend anymore…

“Pull me closer…” You gently whisper as you feel his arms wrap around you tightly. You couldn’t ask for a better best friend or maybe something more now that things have slightly changed.


Sorry there was no kissing scene… Argh

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