(Michael) 'Come Find Me' -Letter #2

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Quick heads up, this is Michael writing the letter so its his POV sorry if it's short enjoy!



'Dear unknown,

I wish I knew your name, but you just walked away. I only got a glance at your face, a smiled plastered on your lips as I saw you from the stage. Through out the night I kept trying to look at you but people just kept getting in the way, I missed your pretty face. The way you sang along to the songs and danced with your hair going everywhere.

 I wish I had gotten to know you that night, but it was too late before I could say hello. I wish you had stayed back, so we could have met. But that's not what happened, I wish it was. You laughed and talked to your friend who gladly laughed along. I wish I knew the sound of your voice, your laugh, but all I could do was look at your actions.

I was I had the chance to hear, but all I could was the sounds of screams. I remember you glanced at me in the distance, I tried to smile. Did you see? I remember you wore a dark black top saying 'Lets Rock' and black skinny jeans with black boots. So much black, is that a colour you like? I keep wondering all these things. If I had just walked up to you myself, then you could be in my future.

I always wonder what would have happened that night if I ever got the chance to talk to you. Would you happily take my number, or go to lunch with me one day? I'll never know, because we never talked. I don't know who you are, or anything about you...

Whoever and wherever you are, I hope you come find me.

Without you I'm just a lost boy...

I need to find you!

Love Michael xx'


on a role with updating imagines HELL YEAH I know there short, I'm sorry!

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