(Michael) 'Feelings'

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'I have to tell him today, its now or never' You keep saying in your head. You have feelings for Michael and ever since you knew you liked him. Things have been a bit awkward lately. But that's all going to change... Your going to fix it... Somehow, you don't know what to expect from Michael so you hope for the best. 'Hey, Come over?' You text him, hoping he'll only come alone.

or maybe it would be better if one of the boys came? You thought as you quickly looked at yourself in the mirror. Your phone beeped as you were fixing your hair into place. 'Sure, see you in 5' Michael replied. 'Great, I have 5 Minutes to clean this god damn place up' You think as you hurry around putting things in random places and making the house looked kind of neat and respectable.

"Knock knock!" You hear Michael yell from the front door. You check yourself once more before opening the door. Michael stood at your door with his hands inside his black skinny jeans. Along with his American flagged tank top and amazing bright blue hair. You smile and gesture him to come inside.

'This is it' You think as you close the front door, Michael being himself makes himself feel at home. Within the first few minutes he's laying on the couch watching the tv that was already on. You sit on a single couch and lay back, admiring Michael. It is possible for someone to like someone more than a friend but to only have known them for 2 months?

You take a breath and quickly reach for the tv remote. Turning the tv off and then looking at Michael. "Hey! I was watching that!" Michael says annoyed at you. "Sorry... Its just that, I have something important to tell you... and I just don't want noise in the background" You say looking at him, butterflies feel your stomach as you start getting nervous. 'Please let this be easier than I expect!' You say taking another breath ready to talk.

"Alright I'm listening" Michael says looking at you, but starts laughing. "Since when are you serious all of a sudden?" He chuckles. "This isn't funny!" You half yell. "So-rry!" Michael says whilst he sits up. "Shut up and listen!" You start getting angry. If he doesn't take this serious, than the 'I like you' will just be a joke to him. "I- I Like you, a lot" You breathe as a sigh of relieve enters your body, it feels good to get it off your chest.

"Oh, I WASN'T EXPECTING YOU TO SAY THAT! OH MY GOD I WAS GONNA TELL YOU THE SAME THING! THAT'S WHY I'VE BEEN SO AWKWARD AROUND YOU!" Michael yells half excited. "Wait, what?" You say confused. "I... Have... Feelings... For... You... As... Well!" He says slowly so it can sink in. 'He likes me' You repeat in your head. A smile appears on your lips as you shoot up and starting jumping up and down with joy.

"FUCK YEAH..." You sit back down and laugh. "Well glad I got it off ma chest!" You say being all gangster. "Yeah me too!" Michael says wrapping his arms around you tight. 'Is this really happening?' You question yourself and then hug back. Feelings are amazing when the person you like, likes you back...


over 200 reads already! so was not expecting it that quick! thanks for reading these Imagines so far... <3 spelling mistakes sorry!

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