(Ashton) 'Our Love Is Never Forgotten'

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'I'm so sorry that it had to end, I never intended to hurt you.. Its killing me inside and out that I cant be with you. Everyday I wish you were here. Its not the same anymore and it never will be because I made the choice to leave. It was me. I hope you know that I love you to pieces and that whatever happens between us we stay friends. I didn't mean to hurt you so bad, just know that it kills me too.

But I had to move on, even if I'm struggling please just believe I did this for the best. For the both of us. I still remember the day we met, you were signing things as I sat down and just watched. I never thought it would lead to love. You literally walked into my life and made everything better, just like that. With your magic smile that's seemed to blow me away. Just the way our eyes locked. We just clicked instantly...

Ever since that day, whenever I see you my heart still beats faster, I still get this warm feeling inside. And I don't know what to do anymore. You were the best thing that had ever happened to me. We may not be together now but what we had was unstoppable. I will always love you and I regret my choice I made but there's no way back now. I just have to except that. I will love you till the day I die. And I will never forget the love we shared because you were my everything, and you still are.

I love you Ashton'


So that was meant to be a letter to Ashton... stay tuned for my Calum Imagine NEXT!! :)

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