(Ashton) 'You what!?'

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I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long.... I don't know why I haven't updated I guess I just haven't been feeling it lately.

Anyway this imagine dedicated to Angelica, hope you like it and sorry for making you wait.



"Angelica? Can you come here for a sec?" Ashton your brother called from his room, you groan getting up from the couch. "What? My show just started be quick!" You entered his room, hearing laughter from a part of his room, you stop in your tracks seeing three other figures you knew all to well. "Ange! Could you get us some drinks?" You roll your eyes at Ashton calling you by your nick name, it's not hard to call a person by their full name! How hard is it to say a few more letters, seriously!

"Get them yourself? You called me to get you drinks? You know I watch a show on Friday night!" You exclaimed about to turn around and walk out. "But- Luke go help!" Ashton quickly said eyeing Luke to go with you. "Uh okay.." Luke mumbled getting up from his position. It's not that you don't like Ashton's friends its just, there his friends they should stay away from you. "So what drinks would you like?" You opened the fridge door, cans of soft drink displayed.

"Um, whatever is good." You stare at him for a second and reply. "You're the guest, now pick Luke!" His eyes meet yours, you notice they were pretty damn blue. "Uh, coke?" His eyes travel down to the floor. You reach into the fridge and manage to grab four cans of coke. "Need help?" You hear Luke say as you finally pull them out and clank them onto the bench with struggle. "Yeah that would be nice considering that's why Ashton called you here!" You chuckle slightly, but Luke stays quite. "What?" Luke looks at you confused, like he wasn't even listening to what you said.

"I said your only here because Ash called you to help me!" You grabbed two cans of soft drink one in each hand, carrying them back to the boys. "Yeah..." You heard Luke mutter under his breath. "Finally, I was dying of thirst!" Michael was one to over exaggerate. "Oh really?" You raise an eyebrow handing him a can. "Yeah, that's why I'm sweating!" He laughed, his red hair looking flat. "Sure sure! Gotta run!" You leave the room and race to the couch, swiftly placing your legs underneath your blanket and staring at the screen, only to find adverts playing.

Looking away from the TV you pull your phone out your pocket, looking through your facebook and seeing a status from one of Ashton's friends. 'If only you knew' You glance up looking at the name of the person, it was Luke. 'If only who knew what?' You question yourself, ignoring the unexplained status your show had come back on. Sliding down against your pillows you finally get comfortable and engage watching your show. "Angelica!" Your brother Ashton yells again. Deciding to ignore it you wiggle your toes as your show became intense between two characters.

'I wish someone liked me...' The thought roamed through your head, wanting to feel loved for once in your life, being seventeen and never had actually dated a guy you really liked before. Therefore nothing felt special, it was all fun and games so you thought. But maybe someone is out there, they could even be close to you and you'd have no idea who. "Angelica?" Ashton yells again. "What?" You reply loud enough for him to hear. "Luke spilt some of his coke, come clean?" Ashton sang, "What am I your slave? Get off your sorry ass and clean it up!" You shout back and change position, crossing your legs and placing your cold hands in your lap.

"Uh, paper towel?" You see a head peek out of Ashton's room and a voice speak, realising it was Luke. "Near the microwave!" You shout looking back to the TV. "Thanks" Luke smiles and walks over to the kitchen. An Advert once again appeared on your screen, things kept wandering in your mind curious to know facts about someone for some reason. "Luke?" You pause as he stops and waits for you to continue. "Have you ever liked someone?" He shrugged, "Yes, but she doesn't know..." He looks towards Ashton's room. "Oh, why haven't you told her?" You keep your eyes on him, his hands fiddling with the paper.

"Someone might kill me, plus I don't think she feels the same..." He awkwardly peeks back to Ashton's room. 'Well that was weird, poor girl doesn't have a clue' Luke was nice, and quite charming anyone would be lucky to have him in their life. 'I just don't get what that girl is thinking' You shrug it off and once again watch your show. "It's not about what you notice, it's the feeling you get when that someone is near, feelings trick you..." An aspiring quote from a girl in the show said to her best friend about guys and feelings.

"Feelings trick you?" You said aloud, hoping no one heard you. You here a bang come from Ashton's room. "You what!?" Ashton screamed in disbelieve, like he wasn't hearing correctly. "I like her dammit!" The voice of Luke yelling made you jump. "I can't help it! It's her smile when I see her, the way she says hi..." Something was going off, like a storm corrupting inside your stomach. You try and listen in but only silence filled the air. You wanted to get up and see what was happening, only you were way too comfortable and warm to move.

A door squeaks, making you glance over footsteps were close but you didn't take your gaze off the TV screen, acting like you heard nothing. "Uhmm" A cough makes you look, Luke stands tall and looks down at you. "I um need to talk to you..." You swallow and stretch your legs straight and bend them down, patting down on the spot next to you. "I um...." He sits with his legs awfully straight and together. "I like you Angelica, alot..." Your lips curve into a smile, seeing his eyes makes you melt.

Someone likes you? And it happens to be your brothers best friend, who would have thought?


Shit ending.

I've missed writing Imagines... good to be back! Hopefully more frequently updates! I hope... 

Remember requests are closed, I have a habit of being nice and saying yes but no more! Please just enjoy reading imagines and please for the love of god wait? That is all I ask :-)

Dammit I should have wrote a Halloween one, maybe next year haha

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