(Luke) 'Thinking Of You'

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You and Luke are sitting down on the couch playing the x-box at his house. Your playing Call Of Duty, as you head shot his character for the 5th time. "Nooo I don't get it! Your thrashing me!" Luke said annoyed that you keep winning. "I'm Sorry! but I'm just better than you!" You giggle and keep playing the game. It was a Saturday night at 8:30pm, your on school holidays and finally get time with your best friend that you've known since you were little.

You try and enjoy every second with him because you hardly get to see him, or even hear from him when he's on tour. Which does suck, but just the littlest things can make you happy, weather that's hearing his voice or seeing him in a photo smiling. All you know is that he is what makes you happy, and as long as you have each other you have nothing to fear. Because he is what matters to you.

Even if you secretly do like him, more than a friend. "Ah Ice-cream!" Luke says as he holds a large tub of Cookies n cream ice-cream in his hand with 2 spoons. He gives a spoon to you, as he digs in and starts eating. You move to the bigger couch instead of sitting on a single. You scoop some ice-cream onto your spoon, as you place it into your mouth. It's cold but refreshing and tasty as it slowly melts inside your mouth.

"You know what?" Luke says looking at you. "What?" You smile looking back at him. "I could get use to this!" You nod and reply with "Yeah, its a pity you have to leave soon. I'm gonna miss you heaps, everything would be fine if you couldn't sing!" You giggle at the last part. "Oh, so you blame my talent! Well I'm soooorrry!" You laugh as Luke sang the word sorry. You look at his eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes. You never use to get butterflies but just looking into his eyes makes your heart race.

"I um... Lik- mm never mind..." You mumble. "What? I couldn't hear you?" Luke says moving a tad closer to you. "Its doesn't matter" You move away and sit back looking at the floor. "You know you can tell me anything" Luke says moving closer towards you. "Can I?" You question him, and yourself. Could you tell him? That you have feelings for him? Would he take it seriously? Would he feel the same way? Would it ruin your friendship? If you told him?

There's only one way to find out...

You breathe out and keep your glaze onto the floor as you speak. "I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, but... I like you, a lot and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way and I'm totally ok with that" You swallow as you turn to face him. You glance down, you feel fingers cup your chin and lift your head up. You now face Luke, face to face only centimetres apart.

"(Y/N) It could never ruin anything we have, because I feel the same!" He grins and leans in closer. "Good" You whisper as your lips press against his, you smile as your lips move in sync. "I'll be thinking of you, wherever you are" Luke pulls away and says. You laugh as you know, he's yours and wouldn't change for anything. And that's what you love about him.


Hey guys, so after I finish writing a Michael and 5SOS one do you guys want be to dedicate some imagines to you guys? comment or tweet me! @SWS_JC_5SOS_CRS thanks for reading! please vote or comment me feed back <3 :)

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