(Michael) 'Crush'

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Dedicated to the awesome Aysha! Hope you like it! :-) x



'Oh crap, crap crap crap!' You cursed as you made your way through the halls of the school, surrounded by students walking past. Anxiety wasn't fun, people never understood what it felt like to have anxiety. It was hard to speak to people, you only ever spoke to someone unless they asked you questions, then at least you had a conversation and felt like you were making friends. You kept reminding yourself to breathe, the only way to keep you calm was to breathe and look at the ground. You continued to walk through the now almost empty hall making your way to your locker.

"Aysha?" The voice of your best friend Caitlan called. You turned seeing her lips smirk when she looked behind you. "What?" Your eyes widened with concern. "Michael." She whispered nudging you with her elbow. "Gee thanks." Almost rolling your eyes, he wasn't going to be behind, or so you thought. "You're doing this on purpose!" You hide the redness peaking through your cheeks. "I swear I'm not! He was staring at you!" She exclaimed trying to sound innocent. "You know I can't talk to him! My anxiety will just get worse! I'll freeze and won't know what to do!" You breath starts to rise as you panic.

"You'll be alright!" You almost choke. "You actually think I'm going to talk to him?" You looked straight into Caitlan's eyes, trying to avoid the glimpse of Michael in the corner of your eye. "Nope," she pauses. "Because he's coming to you!" Your heart drops, "does my hair look okay? Do I have anything on my face? Oh god, oh god!" You say frantically touching the long strands of hair over your ears. "You look great! Now knock him dead!" She replies almost squealing, she moves closer and whispers. "Not literally!" You laugh and take a deep breath. All you need to remember is breath, and smile, you don't want to come off as a serious quiet girl as a first impression.

You unintentionally stare as he walks closer, glancing your eyes all over to the place trying to avoid his eyes. Anything but looking into his deep green eyes which glow with a smile on his face as he finally approaches you. Your mouth cracks open but nothing comes out, so you wait in hope he'll be the first to speak. 'Don't look into his eyes, you'll get lost in them.' You repeat the sentence multiple times. "Hey." Michael's husky voice whispers. 'He's actually talking to me!' You switch feet positions and stand up straight. "Uh, hi!" A small smile plays across your lips. "How are you Aysha?" He starts to lean against the wall, looking badass. 'Holy shit he knows my name.' "I'm uh good, and you Michael?" You hoped the nerves didn't know through the way you spoke.

"Better now that I've seen you, listen, did you want to get a drink or something?" Without meaning too you locked your eyes with his, almost forgetting what he said. 'Uh what? CAN YOU REPEAT THAT? IM NOT SURE IF YOURE ASKING ME OUT?' You blink and realise you were still staring and forgot to reply. "Sure, when?" Suddenly the floor got interesting and you felt butterflies. "How about next lesson?" Michael's voice went deep and really quiet, like he wanted to be unheard. "I have maths then..." You whispered too. "We'll ditch! Come on it will be fun? What's the harm in missing one lesson?" Michael licked his lips and smirked. Was he trying to seduce you?

"Sure!" You managed to laugh, nervously. "Um why not go now?" You suggested, maybe there was a new side of you showing? "I like the way you think!" Everything happened in a flash, the hall way was empty with students all outside. Michael grabbed your arm and ran with you through the crowd less school and to the car park where you both started to walk to a cafe. "This is thrilling!" Your heart was racing, but not for a bad reason. "This is what it feels like to be living on the edge!" Michael laughs. "You do this a lot?" You questioned your arms swinging side to side. "I do, but it's always lonely, not with you here though!"

"I-I'm keeping you company?" Now that was hard to believe. "Yep!" His reply was simple but had an effect on you. Suddenly you were swinging your arms a little higher than usual and something unexpected happened, your hands brushed Michaels. Heat rushed to your face as you felt fingers collide with yours making you stop in action. "What?" Michael looks at you concerned. "Nothing." You reply and glance down at your fingers entwined with his. "Tell me, I won't bite." You take a deep breath and prepare to speak. "How is this happening? I've liked you for ages and now something is actually happening, it just, it can't be real!"

"I'll show you something real." Michael's warm breathe tickles your neck as he stands close. His eyes lock with yours as they sparkle in the sunlight. He starts leaning in, automatically reacting you close your eyes and linger. Your lips meet with his and move in sync, Your hands instantly roaming around his hair making it messy. You break away to catch your breath and smile. Leaning your foreheads together you whisper to him. "We didn't even make it to the cafe!" You laugh slightly. "Save it for later, I'm enjoying this!" He pecks your lips once more and pulls you close. Anxiety was a problem no more, as long as he was by your side.

No one can predict the future, and that's somewhat scary and exciting all at the same time.


Whoa, did you like that? I sure did!


Comment bands you like! Lately I've been listening to Coldplay and Sleeping With Sirens! I'd love to hear who you listen to besides 5sos!!

Goooo commentttt belowwwww

Thanks for reading, truly appreciate it :-) xx

~Sarah (might start signing my name so you all know who I am!)


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