(Luke) 'Birthday Love?'

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"Happy Birthday!!" Luke yells at you jumping in your face, the rest of the boys follow. Your outside with your friends and family surrounding you. Luke hands you a box wrapped perfectly and was quite heavy. "Aw you didn't have to get me anything! You guys just being here was enough!" You say looking at each of them. "Why have a party without presents!" Luke says to you looking at you with hope.

You laugh and start un wrapping the present. You carefully open the box, pictures framed of you and the boys were inside. "What the hell! Are you serious? this is flipping amazing!" You say grabbing the frames out and looking at the pictures. "Glad you like them!" Luke says smiling at you. "Like? I love them! there going in my room, Right now!!" You grab them and walk to your room upstairs. Placing a group one on your side table and the rest spread out on your desk. You look back and view them, lost in your thoughts. A knock on the door scares you, you jump.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" Luke apologises. "That's ok" You reply walking over to your bed and sitting down. "Can I um talk to you?" He shyly asks you. "Sure" You say looking at him, he sits next to you and takes a deep breathe. "First of all Happy Birthday again! um I know I've only known you for a year but I feel like we have a connection and I understand if you don't feel the same way but... I um really like you" He finishes looking out your window.

"Aw I really like you too, I just never thought you'd like me back!" You say smiling at him. He looks at you and grins. "Really?" He says nearly jumping to hug you, you just nod. "To be honest, ever since I saw you I knew I liked you" Luke says looking at you. You start burning up. The boy you had liked for quite a while actually likes you back. The bright and bubbly person you are is actually going shy. But for once in your life, you might actually feel loved and could loved by someone else other than your family.

Crazy thoughts were going through your head. 'What's going to happen next?' You ask yourself. Quick don't make it any less awkward than it already is, you think. "Thanks for the presents" You quickly say the first thought that popped into your head. "It wasn't all me, but your welcome!" He chuckles. Suddenly Luke's hand is right next to you, breathe you tell yourself. You just turned 17 and your already a catch with boys.

You laugh at the thought of you getting attention from any guy. "What do you see in me?" You ask Luke seriously. "You have the best personality, funny, cute and smart... Looks are just a bonus" He laughs. "Aw thanks" You slightly blush. You realise out of all these years you've never even kissed a guy. "I've been saving this for you" Luke says looking down at you and smiling. You look confused but it all happens so quick. His lips are on yours kissing you passionately. Best birthday ever you think as you look at him and smile.


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