(5SOS) 'Hugs For Everyone!'

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Because the one before this was really bad, I decided to update this to make up for it! :D

hope you like it! thank you to anyone who votes or comments <3



You and the boys are celebrating Christmas with a party at your house. There's only you and the boys. "Okay guys! lets get the presents ready!" You and the boys decided to do secret Santa, where you pull a name out of a hat and have to buy that person a present. You had gotten Michael. You knew him pretty well and had gotten him a PS4 for Christmas. You know it was expensive but its worth it because you love him. You love all the boys and would spoil all of them if you could, but this time your following the rules. You gathered the present and sat down on the couch, in the lounge room.

The boys followed holding their gifts, each of them sat down somewhere. "Alright, who wants to go first?" you ask looking at everyone. No one answers you. "Okay... Well, this is for you Michael" You smile and walk up to him. "Man this is exciting!" He says smiling back at you. You watch as he unwraps it. "NO WAY! HOW THE HELL DID YOU- OH MY GOD (Y/N)!" You laugh. "You're welcome!" you say grinning. Michael grabs you in for a hug, squeezing you to death. "Cant.. Breathe!" you struggle to say. "Oh shit, sorry!" Michael laughs eventually letting you go.

 "Luke! You go..." Calum offers. Luke slowly approaches you, "I uh didn't know what to get you..." He mumbles quietly. You laugh as he hands you a present. You unwrap all the sticky tape and finally peel off the wrapping paper. Loads of t-shirts and random things like beanies and pink underwear appear. You laugh and pick up the underwear, you turn them the other way. There it says 5 Seconds of Summer with their logo and a faded pink love heart. "Aw I've always wanted free merchandise!" You laugh and grin. "This is the best!" You laugh again and hug Luke, his hands cuddle your waist. "Aw I want a (Y/N) hug too!" Calum pouts. "Me too!" Ashton joins.

"Guys, there's plenty of hugs to go around!" You chuckle as Luke loosens his grip around you. "Continue whilst I give hugs!" You say to Ashton as you now hug Calum. "More!" Calum acts like a child. "More hug!" He continues. You almost lose it laughing but hold it in. Once Ashton had finished giving Luke his present, you moved onto hugging Ashton. "This is great!" Ashton laughs like a little school girl, which makes you laugh. You enjoy and embrace the hug. "Ehem!" Calum coughs. "Ash this is for you!" Calum says as you let go of Ashton. You sit back on the couch and watch as he opens his gift. "My turn!" Michael yells half scaring you to death.

You watch as Michael gives his present to Calum. "Please be a puppy!" Calum cheers. "Not quite!" Michael says as Calum opens the small rectangular box. "Aw shit, this is just as good!" Calum looks down to see a phone cover of a cute little puppy on it. "HUGS FOR EVERYONE!" Michael yells as everyone cuddles in for a group hug. You enjoy the warmth of all the boys' body heat. You can tell this will be the best Christmas of your life so far, and you can't wait for the many Christmases that await you and the boys.


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