(Luke) 'Best Boyfriend'

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"You ready?" you hear Luke's voice. "Yep!" you smile looking in the mirror. Calum was throwing a Christmas party at his house with family and friends. "You look beautiful!" Luke says to you as he places his hands on your waist. You walk to the kitchen bench and grab your car keys. Once you arrive at Calum's house you put the car in park, 'I hope I look alright' the thought rushes through your head. You were wearing a red dress that flowed down just below your knees. Along with black boots, you wore glitter red eye shadow and a red lip. You smiled as Calum had opened the door. "Welcome to Calum's Christmas par-tay!" you laugh as he wore an elf like costume. "You look very elfie?" you chuckle. "Why thankyou!" he says gesturing for you and Luke to enter the house.

You walk towards the outside table and pour yourself some liquid they had out. Not knowing what it was, you chuck it down in one go. "Careful there!" says Ashton as he sits across from you. "Getting drunk is not good when your the one driving!" Ashton laughs. "Well, I guess Luke and I will take a cab home!" you smile as you take another cup and fill it with a different substance. "Have you ever drove drunk?" you say wondering. "Nope, and I hope to keep it that way!" Ashton grabs a cup and fills it up with a can of soft drink. A random few hours of drinking and dancing, you were laughing and singing Christmas carols. "LET THEM KNOW IT CHRISTMAS TIME AGAIN!" you yelled waving your cup up in the air.

"Babe, I think it's time we went home!" Luke whispered in your ear. "But I'm having so much fun!" you laugh but then frown as you see a dead serious and worried boyfriend in front of you. "It's almost 2am, come on... Let's go home!" Luke smiles. "Fine..." you finish your last mouthful of your drink and place the cup back on the table. "BYE GUYS! I LUB CHU BUYS SO MATCH!" You giggle not knowing if you said the words right, but you didn't care. You stand and make your way stumbling to the front door. Luke guides you out the door as you stand waiting for some reason. "Catching a taxi home!" Luke says, you nod and then think. "Why don't you drive?" you ask sliding your hand across his cheek. "I'm too young!" he points out, like he's had to say it many times before. "Have a little fun once and a while!" you reply taking off your shoes randomly.

The taxi finally had arrived, you look at Luke as he slight smiles at you. You attempt to walk to the taxi. "I got you!" Luke says as he holds you, walking slowly to the car. "Thank you! Have you ever thought of being a fire fighter?" Luke laughs at your comment. "You'd make a god damn fine one!" You grin as Luke hops in beside you. You look out the window as you rest your head on Luke's shoulder. "So pretty!" you mumble to yourself, looking at the houses with their Christmas lights on. "We're home..." Luke says getting out of the car. Your head falls onto the empty seat from you not lifting it up.

"Up you get, come on!" Luke grabs your hands and slowly lifts you. He then places one arm around your waist and carries you to the door. He grabs your keys from your purse and unlocks the door. Carefully carrying you inside and to your bedroom that you share. He places you in the middle and unstraps your dress. He changes you into your pyjamas and lays down next to you, under the covers. "Good night (Y/N)" He kisses your cheek as you pretty much dozed off. Morning arrives as you wake up to the sound of birds chirping. Luckily your not one that gets a bad hangover so all you have to do is take pain killers.

"Morning babe, how'd you sleep?" Luke says looking at you, he then pours boiling water into two mugs. "Pretty good actually!" You let out a laugh as you walk to the fridge and grab a bottle of water. Then to the cupboard as you search for the pain killers. You take a sip of water and then place the tablets in and swallow. "You were pretty smashed at the party last night!" Luke says chuckling as he hands you a mug with coffee in it. You laugh and respond with. "Yeah?" You look down and noticed different clothes on. Luke notices and replies. "Hope you don't mind, I uh changed you. I tried not to look!" he says shyly and takes a sip of coffee.

"I wouldn't be mad, even if you did! Thank you for taking care of me..." You smile at your loving and caring boy friend. "No problem!" You place the mug on the kitchen bench as you walk up to Luke. He places his hands on your waist as you stand on your toes to reach him. You kiss his lips and smile. "Thanks once again. I hope I didn't so anything stupid! or embarrassing!" "You didn't, although you did say I'd make a god damn fine fire fighter!" Luke laughs. "Really?" You whisper still close. Luke lets out a chuckle. "You're the best boy friend I could ever ask for!" You say pecking his lips once more.


sorry this one wasn't as romantic! :\

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