(Ashton) 'If You Don't Know'

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Dedicated to the lovely Courtneyyyy whatsupppp! Hope you like it! :-) ENJOY xx



You stormed out of the class room, ignoring the words that came out of his mouth. “Hey!” Ashton rushed towards you. “Wait for me! I was joking anyway…” He continued attempting to grab your arm. “It didn’t sound like it.” You stopped walking, looking into his eyes. “You have to believe me, I didn’t mean those things!” “But you were laughing with them at me.” Water started trembling down your cold flushed cheeks. “It was an act, can’t you see that?” His reply was unbelieveable. “So you’re ashamed to be with me? Is that it? Its okay, I understand I’m not up to your friends’ standards… Goodbye!” Your hand drifted away from his, as he watched you fade away, walking past a bunch people.

“Dude she’s so lame, why would you even date her?” One of them spoke to Ashton. “She broke up with me, thanks to you guys!” He replied eyeing them. “Wait so you actually like her?” His 'friend' chuckled. “Is there a problem with that?” Ashton answered making you slightly smile as he stood up to them. ‘Finally’ you smiled again showing your teeth. “Hey, wait up.” His voice said coming from behind. You stopped in your tracks, waiting for him. “Don’t listen to them, please I’m sorry, please forgive me!” He pleaded, but you'd already forgiven him.

“Ashton I already have, now come here!” You looked up at his eyes, wanting to be held in his arms for comfort. A smile plastered on his face, grinning as you looked at him. “Thank you.” he whispered into your ear, wrapping his arms tight around you. “Please, don’t hang out with those guys again.” “Never in a million years, I’m so sorry, I just... I th-thought,” he tried to explain but stuttered upon his words. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not broken, I’m fixed… I’m glad those idiots are gone!” “But I should’ve told them to stop, what they did was bad, I feel so guilty I shouldn’t have let it happen…” He continued to apologize.

“Hey stop, I’m fine, were fine. It’s okay!” You assured him again. “This is why I love you!” He placed a hand on your cheek, his thumb stroked up and down. Making you feel all nice and fluffy inside. “And I love you too!” His warm hand moved down sliding downwards to your hands, he stopped walking when his hand was entwined with yours. “Shall we?” He questioned you, nodding instantly you walked hand and hand down the halls of the school, ignoring the glances from people. For once in your life you were happy with the outcome and don’t regret anything. What makes you really happy was the fact that Ashton made the decision to move past his lame friends and tell the truth about your relationship. Never have you ever been so proud of him.

 The fact that he doesn’t care what they think anymore, makes you feel less insecure. You can’t believe he chose you over them, that he chose to keep your relationship and not lose you. “I’m so proud of you, Ashton” You gently squeezed his hand, looking up at his beautiful flawless face. “I love you so damn much; I’m never letting you go Courtney.” He glanced down at your lips, stopping in a corner you were turning. Moving you along with him. “What are you do-” He cut you off by pressing his indulgent pink lips over yours. “What was that for?” You asked startled by his sudden actions. “What? I can’t show you how much I love you in public?” You blushed, feeling your cheeks start burning into a pinky rose colour.

“Aw, staph it!” You playfully slapped his arm. “We should probably head back to class?” You laughed. “I love your cute laugh.” “Ashton stop!” You laughed again, covering your face. “No, Courtney don’t do that!” He placed his hands over yours, shifting the position of your arms away from your face. “Can we go now?” You asked, even though you were enjoying this, a little. “But I love doing this!” He replied swinging your left arm up and down with his. “We have all day, come on! I have to finish this stupid essay!” You complained, dragging his long arm with yours, walking towards the class room.

“I’m gonna hug you and never let go!” He blurted out. Clasping his hands over your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. “Okay, but we should go, come on… only 25 minutes to go!” You said patting his hair with your hand, gently stroking your hands through it. “Only going because of you!” He pointed out. “Alright.” You smiled as he let go. “Hey Courtney?” He stepped in front of you. “Yeah?” You said back. “I really love you, to the moon and back.” Your heart fluttered, hearing him say that again. “I love you too Ashton.” He smiled and pressed his lips on your forehead.

Walking together you opened the class room door, getting back to work for the last few minutes of the lesson. Knowing Ashton was going to hug you and never let go... 


Wrote this in history class haha yay! Had free time and yeah... Wattpad's blocked from the school internet so I had to update this another time...

I didn’t know what boy this was going to be for, I kinda imagined it as a Michael one bc Michael feels lately… but whatever :-) hence 'To the moon' hahaha

Hope you liked it! Vote or comment if you liked it… Sorry if it was short… bye

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