(Ashton) 'Distracted'

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"Could you pass me the Flour?" you say to Ashton. As you get all the ingredients to make a cake, it's your little sisters birthday. "Sure" Ashton's voice says behind you. "Than-" flour falls all over your head. "ASHTON!!" you yell. He just laughs. You grab the eggs and smash two onto his head. You quickly grab some flour and sprinkle it all over his hair. "OH NO... YOU DIDNT!?" he shouts. "OH YES I DID!" you giggle. Ashton looks in the fridge. You quickly rush pass him and stop on the other side of the bench.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Ashton says walking up to you. "What?" You look confused. "You look a little dry..." Ashton smirks evilly. You raise an eye brow at him, as he starts coming closer. "Oh, no!" He's got you trapped against the wall in a corner and there's no escape. Suddenly Ashton pulls out a carton of milk, as he opens the lid and starts pouring it over the top of you. "YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT" You scream, your clothes are now soaking wet.

You slowly make your way to the fridge making sure you don't slip. Looking inside you spot the tomato sauce. Grabbing it you look around for Ashton, you open the pantry door. "BOO!" You jump. "Fuck you!" You say as Ashton stands up. He looks at you and smiles, you look down at your top. Some type of powder is covering your top. "Red! really? that's gonna leave a stain!" You complain. Whilst you have Ashton trapped from the entrance you take this perfect moment to squirt him with sauce.

"GOT YOU!" You grin at your masterpiece. Ashton has sauce all over his hair, top, pants and a little on his face. You back away from the door and look in the freezer this time. You smile as you quickly grab some ice cubes. You turn around to be faced with Ashton in front of you. You hurry and grab the collar of his shirt and pull it, placing the ice cubes in. "Ah! Cold Cold Cold!!" Ashton jumps about, trying to get them out. (That rhymes! hehe)

Out of no where Ashton holds a tub of Vegemite. "Oh crap, where are you putting that?" You freak out and walk quickly. You're caught in the same corner as earlier before with the milk. "You know what (Y/N)?" Ashton speaks grinning and opening the jar of Vegemite. "What?" You look at his fingers as they scoop some of the spread. He moves in closer and says "This is the most fun I've had in a while" He smiles. Suddenly you step forward and slip, you land on top of Ashton. As he hits the floor.

"You got a little something on you" Ashton whispers centimetres away from you. "Oh really?" You reply wondering what it is. "Here let me get it" He smiles showing his teeth, which you love. You look at his gorgeous brown eyes as they seem so close but so far away. You're shocked but overwhelmed by what happened next. Ashton's lips are on yours as he gently kisses your bottom lip. He pulls back and whispers "Vegemite" You laugh and just stare at him.

Suddenly you hear a knock on the front door. You freak out but calmly get up and walk over, as you open the door your little sister and mum are standing there. "What happened to you?" Your mum says looking at you mad. "I uh got distracted..." Whoops


Finally updated my Imagines sorry that wasn't the best! bad ending... Working on a Calum one! Thanks for reading :)

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