(Michael) 'The Perfect Christmas'

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Yay its up before Christmas! dedicated to Beth :) x



"You know if I could I would come, I'm sorry I love you babe and I'm hoping to see you very soon anyway!" you listened to Michael's voice through the phone. "I know I'm sorry too.." you sigh as it was Christmas Eve. Michael was all the way in London so he would miss Christmas with you. "I'll call you as soon as I land!" he says cheerfully. "What do you mean land?" you say confused. "Oh did I say land? I meant as soon as the band finishes practice!" He chuckles. "Oh right, yeah or course! I'll be waiting.." you look down at the floor and then move your eyes to the other side of the bed. Wishing Michael was there with you and holding you tight. "Alright Beth, I have to go... I love you and I'll see you soon!" you smile at the sound of his voice. "Okay... I love you too!" The phone line cuts dead silent.

You place your phone on the bed side table and cuddle Michael's pillows. Band practice goes for at least 2 hours maybe even longer. The times zone do stuff things up. you go to sleep just when it's morning over in London. It's 11pm at night and you can barely keep you're eyes open, as you wait for your phone to ring and Michael to be on the other line. After an hour of waiting, no call. You shut your eyes and let sleep take over, hoping that he'll call sometime soon. Morning arrives as you sadly remember it's Christmas. You grab your phone from the bed side table, checking it to see if anything has happened. Sadly, nothing. You open your text messages with Michael and text him.

'Merry Christmas babe! I wish you were here! Love you xx'

You get up from your laying position, walking to the kitchen whilst holding your phone in your hand. Placing it down on the bench you decide to make a coffee. You boil the kettle and look at the time, it was already 11am. You stayed up late waiting for a call that never happened. You yawned as you decided to get the thought of Michael out of your head. Knowing if you get your hopes up, You'll just let yourself down. So to get things off your mind, you decide to bake a cake. You grab the ingredients such as; Flour, egg, cocoa, milk, caster sugar and things for the icing. Once you'd combined all the ingredients you poured it into a cake pan. Placing it in the oven.

You waited and waited, just sitting there watching the timer tick away. Time seeming so slow but quick in a way. (That sort of rhymes!) You decide to whip some cream whilst you now wait for the cake to cool. After that you place the cake on a plate and start decorating it with cream. You do some swirls on the outside of the cake on top. Then you decide to write a little message on the cake.

'Merry Christmas Michael and Welcome Home! xx'

You smile at the finishing product, even though Michael won't be here to see it. At least you can take a photo and send it to him. Just as you were finishing packing up, you're phone rings and hope rises. It was Michael. "Afternoon babe! Do me a favour?" He says straight up. 'Weird no hello or Merry Christmas' you think as you reply with. "Sure?" You grin hoping for literally anything, just hearing his voice was perfect enough. "Go open the front door!" He replies. "Okay..." You walk over to the front door and start to unlock it. "I have a surprise for you!" He cheers. Suddenly the phone line goes dead. "Michael?" You question into the phone. You look down at your phone as you open the door without looking.

"Yeah?" He replies. "Oh god Beth, you make me laugh!" You look confused, where is I coming from? it's not your phone. You look up and there he was. Michael... "Wha- I- How?" You say speechless as you hug Michael into your arms for a very long time. He laughs as he whispers. "Surprise! Merry Christmas!" Michael holds you tighter. 'He's back, on Christmas! How did he do that?' You think as you and Michael now are inside. "I was just at Calum's house waiting for the perfect time, we finished in London a day ago!" You grin at the thought of him being in the same state as you. "Oh my god Michael! I can't believe you!" You say still shocked that he was able to make it in time for Christmas. "I know, I'm just the perfect boy friend!" He chuckles. "That you are right about, Michael Clifford!"

"I love you!" You whisper into his ear as his hands are placed on your waist. You both still stood near the front door embracing the moment. "I love you more!" Michael says as his face becomes closer towards yours. He leans his forehead on yours as you close your eyes. "You're so amazing!" You softly whisper. Butterflies enter your stomach except they weren't butterflies, they were sparks. And that's something you haven't been able to feel in so long. Michaels soft and rosy pink lips are clashed with yours as they move in sync. You couldn't ask for a better Christmas... "Oh I made cake!" You grin as Michael pecks your lips once more. "Yum!" He replies still holding you tight.






5SOS Goup one is the last Christmas themed! <3


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