(Luke) 'Hearts Don't Lie'

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Dedicated to Olivia who requested Harry and Luke, sorry if its not the best! :)



It was finally the weekend, no more school for two days. You glanced towards your alarm clock, looking at the time. It read 11:30am, Your phone suddenly beeped, rolling out of bed you sit up and reach for it. A message from your best friend appeared.

'Coming to see you today!'

It was from Luke, your all time number one person in the world. Along with Harry, your other best friend. You simply can't chose between them, they've both gotten along so well. In fact Luke was the one to introduce Harry to you. Luke did a great job at choosing the right people to be friends with.

Startled but Luke's text, you slowly get up and walk towards the kitchen. Making yourself some toast and then heading back to your room. Getting ready for the day, it was quite cold so you put on a random t-shirt with a deep blue Niki jumper. After that you put your favourite leggings on and then went to the bathroom to fix your hair. You decided it would be a good idea to wear it down hoping it will keep you warm. Then brushing your teeth. Suddenly you hear a knock on the door, you spit out the remaining toothpaste and cheerfully walk to the front door.

You open the door to see Luke. “What are you doing here?” You question. Stepping back so he can come in. “I told you I was coming over!” Luke chuckles looking at you, a smile appears on his lips as he walks in. “Okay, so why exactly are you here?” You look at him slightly confused. “I just needed to talk to you…” Luke says becoming quite. “Alright well, I’m here… You can talk!” You reply moving your arms, motioning for Luke to start talking. “It’s not exactly easy to say…” You walk over to the couch, clutching your phone in your hands.

“Well, when you’re ready…” You look at him; he sits down next to you and fiddles with his fingers. Looking down at your phone you see that Harry has sent you a text. Unlocking your phone, you open the text message.

‘I have to tell you something, but I’m scared… I don’t think I can face you’

Looking at those words, staring down at your phone. ‘What’s going on?’ You think in your head. “I-I… Ah I can’t- I don’t know!” Luke sighs breathing out in frustration. “You can tell me!” You assure him, giving him a heart-warming smile. You hear him swallow, “I…” Luke starts but stops. “What’s going on?” Your phone beeps, looking down it was Harry again.

‘I feel really lame, doing it over text...’

You quickly tap a reply on your phone.

‘What’s going on?’

“Olivia I really like you, but I think Harry…” Luke rushes up on his feet; he glances at you then to the floor. There’s something that Harry and Luke aren’t telling you, and you’re not sure what it is. But you have to find out. “Something isn’t right about you and Harry… Tell me!” This time you sigh in frustration. “It’s hard Olivia this could ruin our friendship!” Raising and eye brow, you stand up and look at your phone. You look at Luke then back to your phone; you place your phone revealing the messages Harry had been sending you and shove it in Luke’s face.

“Tell me what’s going on!” Luke eyes widen, your phone flashed. “I LOVE YOU OLIVIA!” Luke yells. You look at your phone and look at Harry’s new text message. There it simply read; You were so shocked by what happened you were scared to face Luke, instead you ran to your room and locked the door. Leaving your phone in the lounge room. "OLIVIA PLEASE UNLOCK THE DOOR! I'm sorry okay! I didn't know Harry was- Agh!" Luke angrily knocks on your door, hoping you'll open it.

"Go away! I don't want to face you or Harry right now!"  You run your fingers through your hair as you sit behind the door, you hear Luke's footsteps disappear in sight. You tell yourself that it isn't real, your best friends loved you, but you never thought like loved loved, always like best friend love. After calming down you decide to get up, the only thing you can do now is to go with your heart. You slowly stand up and wipe the tears of your eyes, which were puffy and red.

Opening your bedroom door, you walk back to the lounge. "Luke, I'm sorry..." Luke turns to face you, disappointment on his face. "That's okay, I get it, run after Harry!" You almost laugh. "I meant for running off like that..." You move closer to Luke. "Oh, I knew that..." Luke replies looking down, you smile and lift up his chin with your index finger. "Oh no you didn't! The truth is Luke, I love you..." Luke eyes brighten and a grin appears on his face. "Really? Are you one hundred percent sure?" You nod, "I'm going with my heart, because hearts don't lie!"

Luke instanting crashes his lips on yours, pressing his warm, soft lips with yours. Butterflies take over and you smile, knowing you've made the right choice. Only thing is, now you have to break it to Harry.


Sorry it's taken me ages to write this one! I'm sorry I made it more towards Luke, its just.... They are 5SOS Imagines!

I'm truely sorry for making ANYONE AND EVERYONE to wait for their request!

Thanks for reading! <3

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