(Ashton) 'I'm Sorry'

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You've just had a fight with Ashton. You sit on the couch with a blanket covering you as you cuddle your knees. Ashton's in your room with the door shut. Not knowing what's going through his mind. You stare at the fire place that's keeping the room heated, and wonder what to do next. The fight keeps replaying in your head, with the yelling and screaming that replays every word you had said. Or what you should've taken back and never said.

You cry, not knowing where you stand with Ashton at this moment. You wipe the tears away, only making you sob even more. You try and calm yourself down by trying to take deep breaths. You look at your phone for the time, 3am it says. You're stressed and tired from all the crying that you have a headache and can't sleep until everything is alright. But that's not going to happen. 'No sleep for me, yay!' you say in your head.

You're tempted to wake Ashton and say your sorry, but you're scared that he might get mad at you. So instead you just sit there on the couch waiting and waiting for probably nothing to even happen. You sniff and wipe your eyes with your sleeve, you hear footsteps coming from the hall as the floor boards creak. You look over to your left to see Ashton standing there in his pjs and looking exhausted.

"I-" You start saying but your voice disappears, you cough and try again. "I'm so sorry Ashton.." You start tearing up again as you continue to speak. "I didn't mean to say those things, I wish I could take everything I said back-" You're cut off by Ashton. "No, it's not your fault! I shouldn't have bought up the topic in the first place" Ashton said sitting down next to you.

"But I-" "Shh" Ashton assures you, he comes closer as you wrap your arms tightly around him. You cry into his shoulder as he whispers. "Hey, everything's alright, it was just a misunderstanding I love you and nobody else. We may fight but in the end we both love each other and as long as we have each other, nothings ever going to break what we have. Okay?" Ashton says in a soft and soothing voice.

"Okay" You reply pulling away from the hug. You stare at Ashton, as he wipes your eyes with his thumbs. "I Love you" He says smiling at you. "I Love you too" You say smiling back at him. You cuddle into him more as you start falling asleep in his arms. Everything's back to normal and your relationship is as stronger as it ever was...


wow that was deep? haha...

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