(Calum) 'Smile'

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Dedicated to Asante, hope ya like it! :-) enjoy



You're in class, waiting for the clock to tick just wanting lunch to come. Watching as time slowly went away. All you wanted to do was see Calum, "Alright guys, pack your stuff!" The teachers voice said, glancing towards the clock you were shocked by how quick the lesson went. Maybe because all could think about was Calum. It worked, it was now lunch time. Placing your things away you grabbed your bag, putting it on your shoulder. You walked towards the door exciting out the building and meeting at the seats. Your friends came up to you, "Calum here yet?" You shook your head side ways. "He'll be here! Why?" You ask turning to your best friend. "No reason!" You friend covered up.

"Okay.." You answered looking down at your phone screen, waiting for him to show. Hands clasp around your waist and a head leans on your shoulder. "Hey, how are you?" Calum mumbled holding you tighter. "Good, you?" You said placing your fingers through his hair, ruffling it around. "Better now that I found you!" He smiled. "Let's get away from all your friends and go somewhere!" Calum whispered, his breath tickling down your neck. "Uh.." You smiled as Calum took hold of your hand, looking at your group of friends who were talking among themselves. "Come on! Let's go!" He entwined his fingers with yours, pulling you behind, wanting to get away.

"But.. What abo-" before you could finish your sentence he had you pulled away, your friends didn't even notice. "Where are we going?" You questioned Calum as he still held your hand. "It's nothing special but you know we're at school so..." He continued, finally letting go. "What are we doing on the school oval?" You thought it would be somewhere with more of a hide away, feeling exposed to people didn't feel good, knowing they'd watch you. "Relax babe!" He assured you with a calming smile. "Climb over this log and then lay on the grass" You did what he said without question. "Okay now look up at the clouds!"

Moving your eyes, you see the white snow like clouds forming shapes. "Now, tell me what you see?" Calum leans closer towards you as he lays down beside you. "Um a penquin?" You laugh looking around for other forms of animals. "Do you wanna know what I see?" Calum spoke shifting his head towards yours. "What?" You reply as you wait for him to answer. "I see a girl with long gorgeous hair, beautiful eyes and a smile that brightens up my day..." His soothing and husky voice says. "Where's that?" You search for the girl Calum was talking about. "She's right in front of me.." You stare at Calum, realising he was talking about you. The apple of your cheeks build up with redness.

"Aw I love it when you blush!" His fingers stroked gently down your face. "I don't!" You close your eyes embrarassed. "You know what I love more?" You shake your head. "You.." Suddenly his forehead connects with yours, his lips only a few centimetres from touching the surface of your own. "I love you.." Your voice cracks, ready to say the words back only to find his lips pressed against yours. The slow tension of them moving in sync, like fireworks exploding in your backyard, it surprised you. You pull away to catch your breath, "I love you more Calum!" You point out as you smile, looking into his big brown eyes. "No, I love you more Asante!" He pecked the tip of your nose, you enjoyed the rest of the lunch in Calum's arms.


sorry it's short :-(

Thank you so much to anybody who reads these imagines, it means the world to me knowing that people are liking them!

Thank you so so so so so so so so much for over 600K FUCK ❤️ SPEECHLESS!!

That's all I have to say, stay tuned for the next one!

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