(Michael) 'Crazy Dreams?'

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You yawned as you made your way to your bed. You'd just finished watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate, on a cold winters night. You open your bed sheets and hop in. Your head sinking into your warm and comfortable pillow. You grab your phone and quickly check twitter, scrolling through your timeline. You decide to tweet something. 'Loving the cold Winter nights <3 Wish I had someone to cuddle!' You yawn again and place your phone on your side table. You look around your dark room, the moon shining through your curtain making it the only light. You turn on your side and close your eyes as you start to drift off to sleep.

Beep! your phone rings, you slowly open your eyes and unlock your phone. A notification appears from twitter, then another, and another, suddenly your phone beeps over and over again. You open the app on your phone and click on your mentions. Tweets from random people you've never talked to before appeared. 'What the- lucky girl! :Dx' One tweets says. 'HOLY MOLY I CANT EVEN...HOW DID YOU OMFG' another tweet says surprising you... 'What happened?' You question in your head. You keep scrolling down and read through more and more tweets.

'He followed you!'

'What did you do to get noticed?'


'Aww that's cute!'

'He tweeted you! I ship you guys! x'

But what exactly happened? You keep scrolling down until you see something unexpected. 'Can I cuddle with you? x' Something erupts in the pit of your stomach, what just happened? You look down and read who the tweet was from. Michael Clifford. You almost scream in excitement. But what if its a fake account? You click on his username and stare at his profile picture. Suddenly you see a blue tick and the 'Follows you' sign. When and why did this happen? Still shocked by everything you tweet, 'Uh what the... no way! did the Michael Clifford just FREAKING FOLLOW AND TWEET ME heck no! wot!'

Why would Michael Clifford tweet that to you? You decide to tweet him. 'Of course you can cuddle with me! <3' Once you finished tweeting him you decide to answer some of your connects. You had gained followers over night and had millions of mentions. 'Aw how sweet of him! Your so nice and pretty! Cute couple right there!' You chuckle and reply with. 'Haha it was unexpected and we're not dating, but thankyou!' Do people really think you'd be cute together? 'I made an edit do you like it? :) x' One girl said with a picture attached. It was of Michael and you hugging even though you've never met. It also had the tweet you tweeted along with his, It was faded out making it look really cool.

'It's so amazing! Thankyou! x' You replied to the girl as you went through your followers list, following as much people as you could. Who know one tweet could change everything? You then looked through your DM's and saw one from Michael. Surely you must be dreaming?

You opened your eyes as the sun beamed through making you squint. You yawned just from waking up, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the light. You slowly take the bed sheets off your body and get up. Walking to the bathroom you do your business and walk back to your bedside table. You pick up your phone and click the on button. '@(Y/N)5SOSFanGirl He Followed you!' A tweet appears on your screen. You unlock your phone and enter the passcode, getting into the twitter app you look at your interactions. Tweets from random 5SOS fan accounts appear as they all congratulate you on a follow.

You click on your profile and click Followers, scrolling through you see lots of fan accounts until one stands out. It's not a fan account, or even a fan. It was Michael Clifford. "Holy Shit!" You mumble to yourself. You click on his name that leads you to his profile. You see the 'Follows You' sign, it shocks you. "Wait, didn't he... already... I must of have been dreaming!" You ramble on confused about what you're seeing. You scroll down and see his tweets, one has your username in it.

'@(Y/N)5SOSFanGirl I hate the sun! Can I come and visit? x'

'I wonder what that means in his mind' You think as you favourite and re-tweet it. You look at the rest of his tweets, he was replying to fans and you happen to be the last one he replied to later that night. You feel multiple emotions all in one, Happiness and being overwhelmed by the situation. You can't really put to words what exactly you're feeling, because you feel like you just want to jump of a bridge and land on a rainbow, if that's possible. Your eyes glance down at your screen and you see a little blue dot on your DM's. You click there and almost pass out by what you see. Michael Clifford had messaged you.

'So about that Visit... When are you available? x'

Is he asking you out?

You typed away on your key pad. 'Are you for real? x' You nervously press send and hope for the best. But he's Michael Clifford why would he reply to someone more than once... Do they even do that? What are the chances of that happening anyway... Right? Everything seems so unreal. 'Is that even happening?' You question yourself as you walk to your kitchen, bringing your phone with you. You think for a second, 'I dreamt that Michael Followed and Messaged me... And it actually happened...'

'Whoa, that was some dream, maybe its a sign!' You think again as you look down at your phone, you smile to yourself knowing Michael actually knows you exist and it wasn't through spam, or an indirect. It was just what you were thinking. Why would he answer that tweet if anything. Maybe he just wants to get to know you better. But You're just a fan... But then again anything is possible, you just have to believe in yourself and you can achieve your dreams. 

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