(Michael) 'Don't Leave'

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So I can't remember if this was a request.. I'll just go with (Y/N) and whoever tells me they requested a Michael one I will change it to your name :--) enjoy



"So, we should probably go to class now..." You said to Michael as you started walking towards the gym for your next lesson. "No!" Michael yells at you. "Why?" You chuckled, motioning him to come and follow you. "Come on! I'll let you hold my hand!?" You smiled taking small steps closer to the gym. Michael stood still, not knowing what to do. "Fine!" He chased after you, his hands clasping around your waist. "Only because I don't want to leave you just yet!" His chin rested against your shoulder. "Okay.." You smiled again, taking small steps to cherish the moment. "(Y/N) we don't have to go to class!" His voice whispered in your ear, making you shiver from his breath. "Um yeah we do..." You replied back. "Not if you don't want too!" Michael smirked holding you tighter.

"I'm going to class! And you can't stop me! It's P.E!" You attempted to walk, Michael didn't bough. "You should have thought that through my love!" He laughed, loosening his grip slightly, but not enough to make you move. "Let me go Michael! I'm going to be late!" You complained. "Aw will this be your first time?" He huffed slightly smiling. "So what?" You looked down, you weren't always good. It just happened to be a habit to be on time for lessons. "Kiss me first!" He demanded switching his body. Sliding his hands on your hips the other way, making him face you. "Will you let me go th-" his lips pressed against yours, cutting your wording off. His soft sweet lips moving in sync with yours, he hungrily bit down on your bottom lip, wanting more. You smiled and separated for air.

"We had a deal!" You whispered catching your breath as your foreheads touched. Your lips only centimetres apart. "Okay..." Michael said as his lips quickly pecked yours, finally his hands let loose, entwining with yours as he happily walked you to class. "Okay, I think you can go now, you're gonna be even later than usual!" You entered the gym, your class was talking among themselves waiting for the teacher. "Plenty of time! Besides I have a free!" Michael pointed out, walking out onto the gym randomly. His hands let go as he stood with his back in front of you. "What are you doing?" Michael didn't answer, instead he started leaning back. "Michael go! I have class now!" You pushed on his back, holding your hands still to keep his weight from falling on you. "But I don't want to leave you!" He turned, your hands falling down beside you. "Well, you kinda have too!" His body was close to yours, as he leaned forward.

"Stop Michael!" Placing your hands on his chest you look up to him. His green eyes staring down at you. "(Y/N)!" He begged. "What?" (can someone tell me whether this is posted in brackets)

The bell had finally gone, excited to see Michael again you shot up off the chair, being the first one out. Walking towards the tree Michael and you always meet, you stood waiting. Suddenly hands come from behind, holding your waist. "Hey babe, I missed you!" He voice whispered in your ear, making your heart race. "Hey! I missed you more!" You answered. "Oh really?" He replied his breath tickling against your skin. Michael inched closer placing a soft quick peck on your neck, butterflies occurred in the pit of your stomach. The two of you were always showing off your love and people hated it, seeing the two of you happy just made them feel miserable. You never intend to do it, but you can't help not care what anyone thinks so you do whatever anywhere.

"I love you so much Michael!" You stroked his cheek from behind. "I love you more pizza!" You chuckled, Michael called you Pizza because he simply loves pizza and you. It was just a nickname that stuck, always making you laugh. "Shall we?" His hands slowly slipped away from your waist, you nodded in response and entwined hands. "I love you so much cupcake!" You giggled, Michael's hand squeezed yours as he looked down at you. A smile erupted on his face as he knew how luck he was to have you.


Sorry it was so short :-(


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