(Luke) 'Kiss Me'

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@_lightofdawn_ (I don't know how to dedicate this to someone on an iPad- hope it worked, if not... Awkward)
Apologies guys... Please enjoy this, the idea came to me whilst wearing new lipstick which claims to be 16 hour kiss proof. *hint hint*

Dedicated the Steph, hope you like it and sorry if it's short.. :-)



"What about this?" You say picking up a deep red lipstick showing it to your friend. "Perfect!" She almost squealed. You were never really fond of shopping for makeup but your friend insisted because you needed to 'dress up' when going clubbing for the weekends, you only agreed so you could get out the house. "Are you nearly done?" You ushered wanting to leave already. "Hold on!" Your friend said whilst looking thoughtfully at some eyeshadow palettes.

"Okay, now we can go. Wait, is that all you're getting?" She paused looking at you. "What? You said I need to 'dress up' so why not just wear red lipstick?" Looking at her you could tell she wasn't happy with your answer. "Fine!" She turns and heads for the counter, you follow. After that you were heading to the food court to get lunch. "Can I at least see what lipstick you got?" You nod and take it out your bag, considering there was no point buying a bag for one object.

"Uh huh!" Your friends eyes widen and a smirk appears. "Oh no, what is it?" You say with a sarcastic tone. "The lipstick says '16 hour kiss and food proof' that's interesting!" She laughs. "Yeah well I'll be able to devour food without worrying, what of it?" You exclaim finally finding a table at the food court. "You heard me right? Kiss proof!" She was all of a sudden intrigued by this. "Yeah and? What do you want me to do? A challenge or something?" You laugh jokingly.

"Not a bad idea! How hungry are you?" She questions out of the blue. "Not very, why?" You squint your eyes knowing she had an idea, which wasn't usually a very good one. "I have a challenge!" You roll your eyes dramatically. "Hey, hear me out!" You scoff and wait for her to continue. "Alright so, I will pay for any meal even if you order 20 cheese burgers." She pauses and you listen in. "I challenge you to put this lipstick on," before she continues you think about her offering. 20 cheese burgers, now that could last until dinner time. You nod signalling you're up for the challenge.

"Put the lipstick on, is that it?" You laugh slightly. "I haven't finished yet, duh!" She explains wobbling the lipstick between her fingers. "Go up to random guys and say, 'hi this lipstick is kiss proof care to try' how's that aye!" She laughs hysterically, almost falling off her chair. "I mean sure, but what if it actually happens..." Your eyes glared at the lipstick, 'dammit why did I pick that lipstick!' Your thoughts were going mad, suddenly you were just keen on getting all those cheese burgers.

"Fine, get this on film it's going to be fabulous!" You stand and strut to the outside entrance. "Wait! You have to put the lipstick on!" Your friend runs after you. "Oh yeah, what's a challenge without the main thing!" You scoff to yourself and place the product on looking in the window of a shop reflection. "It feels dry!" You put your lips together, "there's a lock and shine gloss on the other end idiot!"

"Ah," you unwind the other end and place the gloss on. "That feels much better!" The lipstick was now moisturising. "Ready?" Your friends takes a look at the application. "Yep!" You reply confidentially. "Wait! I gotta get my camera out, geez Steph!" Placing a hand on your hip you impatiently wait for her. "Hurry up!" You whine and start walking out the automatic doors to outside.

You walk over to the first guy you see, he wasn't around a huge group but he had friends. "Excuse me?" You wait for him to turn around. 'Shit, what can I say?' Before you knew it, he was facing you and staring. "Yes?" The guy mumbles. "Uh, um this lipstick it kiss proof wanna try it out?" Secretly in your head you were praying it was a no, but then you also wanted the cheese burgers. "I have a girl friend." A sign of relief filled you. "He has a girlfriend!" You say to your friend who had placed her phone down to stop filming.

"Try another!" She ushers you to another group of two guys. "Excuse me? This lipstick is kiss proof wanna try it out?" The two of them just look at you weirdly. "Is this going up on YouTube?" One with orange hair and freckles says. "No..." You mutter and once again look over to your friend, she points to a random guy standing alone. You breathe and stand tall and confident this has to work on someone. "Excuse me?" The tall guy in skinny jeans turns to face you.

"Yes?" His piercing blue eyes sparkle in the day light. "U-uh this lip s-stick claims to be kiss proof, wanna test it out?" The guy with blonde hair and blue eyes smiles and then laughs. "Sure." Your eyes suddenly widen in shock, someone actually agreed to do this. Your lips curve into a small grin, as you stand awkwardly closer to him. This is it, it's going to happen. Leaning closer, you automatically close your eyes, it would be awkward if you didn't. You feel his presence close by, 'oh god it's happening!'

You could feel his breath pondering for a second, everything moved in slow motion, like it was a movie. Finally his lips met yours, everything stopped, time stopped, everything around you didn't matter because something unbelievable was happening to you. His lips moved in sync with yours, almost like a perfect match. Then suddenly he pulled away, out of breath. Opening your eyes you feel his breath again, his forehead almost touching yours. Then he backed away and grinned.

"Would you look at that, it actually worked!" He laughed. "I'm Luke." His voice was soft and deep, you smile. "Steph, nice to meet you." You glance up to meet his eyes, he was really tall. "Where are you heading?" He asks, you look to your friend. "Actually I was about to get some cheese burgers!" "I love cheese burgers!" He chuckles as the two of you start walking to your friend. "Who's this Steph?" She smirks. "Luke!" You glance towards him, his eyes glaring straight at you, you blush. 'Well that was a unique way to meet someone.'


Spelling errors no doubt, too early to function. HOPE YOU LIKED IT EVERYONE! Updates coming soon for other fanfics! Stay tuned looney tunes haha!


I've realised its been taking me ages to fulfil imagine requests.. After this lot of request I may be closing requests forever, and just continuing with (Y/N) instead.
people want a request urgently or I don't get bombarded with them.
you guys should inbox me, that way know your username for sure and I don't get lost in the comments.

If you got this far, thank you and I hope you comply to this for everyone's sake of getting a imagine request.

Thank you guys.

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