(Michael) 'Wet All Over'

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um so like.... Over 6k reads! WHAT EVEN!? I cant believe how much reads and votes these are getting its so amazing!! Keep it coming! haha heres a Michael one! Peace out



"Get back here!" Michael yells at you as you run away from him. It's lunch time at school and you 'accidentally' spilt water on his head. "Fuck" you mumble looking behind you. Michael's close behind. You sprint going crazy across the oval Hoping to get away. You quickly reach over to Calum and Luke as they stand. "What's going on?" Calum asks you as you stop running. "Quick!" you shout hiding behind them. "Hold her down!!" Michael comes over.  

'They won't listen to him!' you think as you stay behind them. Suddenly you feel hands on your arms. You look up to see Calum and Luke holding you in place. "What!" you say partly shocked. Michael grabs his water bottle and starts pouring it down onto your head. "What the hell! A whole bottle! I only did a little!" you whin as your hair is now wet, as it drips onto your uniform.

"I hate you all" you say as Calum and Luke finally let go. You start walking to the girls toilet. You grab some toilet paper and start dabbing it onto your hair and clothes. The door opens as you look in the mirror, Michael appears. "What do you want?" you say sounding a bit harsh but you don't care. "It was just for fun! I didn't mean for it to get all over you!" You turn around to face him.   "Yeah, well..." you position your hands to show him where the water went. Which was pretty much everywhere.

"Here" Michael says giving you his jumper. "Get changed" he says handing you the jumper. "Thanks" You hold the jumper and go into a cuticle. You change taking the jumper over your tank top. Putting it on you come out and put your shirt in your bag. "Tag your it!" Michael says as you exit the toilets. You laugh as you try and chase down Michael.  You're back on the oval still trying to chase him down.

You reach to tag him but suddenly trip making you react fast by grabbing Michael's t-shirt. You take him down with you, he lands on top. "Ouch" You say as your back and head fall back and hit the grass. "Watcha lookin' at?" You question Michael who was staring at you. "You" He gently whispers. "What about me?" You ask waiting for a reply from him.

  "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me!" Michael answers. "Try me!" You answer back. He suddenly seems so close all of a sudden. "Yo eyes are beautiful and memorising!" He whispers softly, you laugh. "Yeah, your right!" You don't really like your eyes, they seem... a bit boring. But hearing someone else say they're beautiful just makes you feel good about yourself. It also makes you feel more confident in yourself, which is something you need.  

"I'm just gonna go for it, right here. Right now!" Michael mumbles to himself. You're about to ask what but your lost, when something of the unthinkable happens. Michael's lips were gently pressed against yours. You never thought this day would come. You were scared you would have to make the first move. But you guessed wrong. For a moment the two of you were lost in the moment when a cold liquid touches you.

 You hear people laughing, you look up and turn your head to the side. Calum and Luke stood there with water bottles. "LETS GET THEM!" Michael yells quickly jumping up and helping you. As you and Michael spend the rest of the lunch trying to catch them.  


Thanks for reading! Hope that was alright... typed it in lesson time at school hehe. Nah I had free time anyway... LATERS! p.s vote or comment? Sorry if they were short paragraphs!   REMEMBER if you want an Imagine dedicated to you just comment below who with and possibly your name! thanks again :)  

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