(5SOS) 'Love Square' Pt. 2

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Changed the cover to celebrate OVER 500K FREAKING READS DUDE OMFG IM SO HAPPY!!!! pfft the cover isn't even that good. anyway, PART TWOO OF LOVE SQUARE ENJOYYYY :--)



"Mmm" you groaned shifting your body around on the bed, slowly opening your eyes looking towards the alarm clock on your bed side table. Reading the time that read 11am, "ugh!" You sigh falling back onto your back, quickly pulling the sheets off your warm body. "What the fuck!" The sound of a bang followed by horrific cursing, Michael yelled. You shot up off your feet and walked to the room you placed Michael last night. "Wha-" Before you could finish your sentence, you saw Michael lying on the floor. "Fell, off!" He mumbled on his stomach. "What happened last night?" He rolled over pushing his hands to lift his weight.

"I'll tell you when all the guys get up, it was crazy!" Was all you said. "Okay.." He got up, you walked out the room with Michael following. Walking down the stairs and entering the kitchen. "You were one crazy guy, Michael Clifford!" He chuckled. "What did you expect?" He opened the fridge door, grabbing a bottle of water. "Ugh, shit my head!" Groaned Calum. You laughed, covering your grin with your hand. "That's what you get for drinking!" A smirk appeared on your lips. "I don't even remember anything!" Calum said standing still, his hands on his hips with eyes glaring at you. "What? You expect me to know?"

"You're the only one who didn't drink! So uh, yeah!" He replied also walking to the fridge. "I'll tell you when Ashton and Luke wake up!" Calum stopped what he was doing and ran past you, flying to where Luke and Ashton were peacfully sleeping. "BLAHHBLEHHBOOO!" You heard him scream, "Go away!" Luke shooed him. Laughing again, you looked at Michael. He seems like he's fine. "You're handling this well!" You titled your head, like you were taking glasses off to eye him, only you didn't wear glasses. "What can I say? I know my tricks!" Michael shrugged, sitting on a stool next to you.

"THEY'RE AWAKE! NOW TELL USSSS!" Calum shouted at the top of his lungs, man this boy was one curious chicken. "Okay, geez! Calm down!" Placing your leg on the stool you spun around, facing a tired Ashton and an annoyed Luke. "If you must know!" You rolled your eyes, thinking of how weird they all acted last night. It was hectic and choas. "Look guys, what happened last night... I love you guys, you're my best friends in the whole world! But I could never think of you anymore than friends..."

"Continue! That doesn't tell us what happened!" Calum rushed. "Okay!" You shierked before continuing. "Basically you all got drunk and said how much you like me more than a friend... You all even said 'I love you' don't take this the wrong way, I love you as friends... and nothing more!" "Wait so, we all l- love you?" Luke mumbled, his eyes looking into yours confused. "Deep down I'm sure you feel the same!" Ashton said suddenly appearing wide awake. "Friends, Ashton... Only as friends..." Why couldn't he understand?

"You know what, if anything I should feel honoured, I mean... I'm sorry to crush all your hearts but-" You were cut of by Michael speaking. "Whoever crushes your heart, we'll fucking smash him to pieces! It's cool, we've get over it, right boys?" Michael smiled softly. "Oh, yeah!" Calum cheered. "Right Ashton, Luke?" "Yay, haha..." Ashton spoke, not sounding to fond. "We're big boys, we can handle it!" Luke replied looking towards Michael. "Good to hear it!" It might be a little awkward for a while but you were sure to live on and forget it. "After all, you're like a little sister to us!" Michael placed his hand over your head, messing with your hair. "Hey!" You smiled, getting up from the stool and running after Michael. '

'Friends, thats all we'll ever be...'


Sorry the detail sucked, kinda rushed it.. So that was a part two, I recommend reading part one to know more on what happened!

Vote or comment? if ya wanttttt

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-) x

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