(5SOS) 'Fulfilling Your Dreams' -Letter #3

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'I remember when you guys were just uploading videos on You tube, and busking on the streets. It seems like that was only a week ago! But it wasn't, it was 2 years ago... I'm glad to say I know you guys. Because without you I wouldn't be here living my dream of being and Artist myself, you guys were the ones who pushed me to sing in front of a crowd. You guys helped me practice, day in and day out. Without you guys I might not have made it where I am today.

And although you guys are touring with the biggest boy band in the world, making new music and growing up... Your still the same guys I met a long time ago. I still find it hard to believe all these years we've been through and we still keep in touch, I just wanted you to know how much its actually killing me not seeing you guys. I know we still talk over the phone casually and text, but its just not the same as seeing you in person.

 I remember what Calum said one day, and I always will remember. 'If you want to achieve something so bad, you have to work hard and even if that means traveling the world. It's doing something you love and as long as you have support there with you, anything is possible' those words have helped me keep going, and without them I think I would just break down and never accomplish anything. I'm very thankful  for what you guys have done for me.

Weather it was just the small things, like making me laugh or just having you guys around. It was great, I don't need big things to make me happy, because every little thing means the world to me. You guys still don't understand what you guys did for me, you supported me when I was having a few rough patches, but you helped me over come them. You trained me vocally so I was better, you guys helped me with my fashion and how to just be yourself.

Even if you guys do get even more famous than you already are, you guys are so important to me and whatever you do in the future I will always be there to support you, because that's what you guys did for me. And I don't even know how you still have all the time to still continue to do so. It's amazing what you guys do, not just for me... But for your family, friends and fans. You never disappoint anyone, because you guys are what keeps them together and happy.

So please don't never change, just keep on doing what you guys do. Because everybody loves it. Thankyou guys so much for everything you do and teaching me to fulfil my dreams... You guys taught me to believe and never give up. And that I am so thankful for...

Yours sincerely (Y/N) xx'


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