(Calum) 'What!'

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You're sleeping when you hear your phone with a text. You look and its Calum, you check the time 5am. 'What!' you text him not even bothering to check what he had sent to you. He doesn't reply so you go back to sleep and forget it happened. Suddenly you hear a door slam, you look up to see Calum in your room. "What!" You say to him, He just laughs at you and walks away. You get out of bed and follow him to the kitchen.

"What?" You question him, he laughs. "Calum! What?" You say annoyed by him. He shrugs his shoulders at you. 'Looks like he's ignoring me' You think walking to the lounge and watching some tv, then getting something to eat. Calum sits next to you and stares at you. "What are you looking at?" You say dead serious, giving him a death glare.

"Nothing" He replies smiling cheekily at you. "Alright then.." You say turning your attention back to the tv. 'I have something to tell you!' Calum's message appears on your phone. 'What!?' You reply. 'Something suspicious is going on' you think as you get up and walk to your room. You turn your phone off and place it on your side table, hoping Calum won't spam you with messages.

"Can I talk to you" Calum's voice appears from behind. "Yeah" You say hoping he will finally tell you what's going on. "Well, I-.." Calum's phone rings, he answers and walks away. Did he plan that? You'll never know. You follow Calum as he sits on the couch, you sit behind listening. But all you heard was 'Yeah, huh, really' being repeated. You get up and walk to the bathroom doing your morning routine.

You brush your hair when the door flings open wide, with Calum holding a phone to his ear. He then moves in onto your ear as you listen. "Calum has something important to say" Michael's voice says over the phone. "Okay?" You say looking confused as you look over at Calum. "What? What do you have to say, that is so important.. That you have to annoy me!" You almost yell. Calum ignores you and walks out the room taking the phone.

For the rest of the day he ignores you, its 8:30pm and he's still not talking to you. "Listen, I don't know what's your deal, but I'm sick of it! You better say it now or I'm never talking to you ever again!" You shout across the table, Calum looks at you and smiles. "I Love you..." You stare blankly at him. "W-what?" You say as you almost start crying. "I said, I Love you!" He replies calmly. "I- What- I mean I.. Aw" You mumble as Calum laughs. "I Love you too!" You get up and hug him. Even though he was annoying... You forgive him because you love him too...

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