(5SOS) 'Scary Sounds'

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this ones a Halloween one! I probably should have done this one on Halloween, whoops... haha hope you like it! :)



You and the boys had organised a Halloween party on a Saturday night. You'd already finished setting up the house with decorations and gathered all the snacks and drinks. You now wait for people to arrive as the back yard blares with loud music coming through the speakers. 20 minutes had passed and no one had arrived. "Why isn't anyone here?" You yell asking the boys.

"I think its because we suck!" Michael shouts. You nod and grab a handful of chips. You wait a little longer but still no one arrives. "Well... Looks like its just us, our own party! woo!" You cheer. Ashton laughs "ITS A CHOCOLATE MILK PAR-TAY!" he raises his glass filled with a brown liquid, obviously chocolate milk. You smile as you attempt to dance to the music.

"Did you guys hear that?" Michael says sounding a little scared. "Hear what?" You walk to the speaker and turn the music all the way down. "Hear that!?" Michael says terrified. "I can't hear anything!" You point out. "Guys what's going on?" Ashton questions coming over. You all walk inside scared to be out in the dark. "I dunno, I think I can hear something" You try and listen. You suddenly hear a knock coming from the front door.

"Where's Luke and Calum?" Ashton says looking around the house. "I'm here!" Luke yells from the lounge room. "Where's Calum?" Your stomach is now filled with nerves. "CALUM?" You yell. "Guys, I think the ghost has got him!" Michael says sitting down on the couch. "There's no such thing as ghosts!" Ashton says. "You don't know that!" Michael looks out the window, you look as his eyes widen. "Holy shit" He mumbles. "Guys stop it! You're scaring me" You sit next to Michael.

"Did you see it?" Michael says to you. You shake your head and look out the window. A slight shadow appears but then quickly moved away. "Fuck, I don't wanna die! NOT TONIGHT!" You whin. "Relax, lets go to the kitchen and grab weapons!" Luke says as he leads the way. You look in the cupboards, you grab a saucepan. Suddenly there's a bang. "What was that?" You say looking at Ashton. The house is dark and your scared to walk alone. You gently grab Ashton's arm, still holding the saucepan in one hand.

"Ah fuck!" Ashton says. "What?" You say scared. "Banged my toe on the table" You nod as you know what that feels like. Everyone gathered around the front door with weapons, as you wait for noises to happen again. Suddenly lights flicker from the kitchen. "Did you see that, Michael go check it out!" You say staring at Michael to go. "What! why me!?" He complains. You push him towards the kitchen. "Just go! We'll be right behind you!" You gulp expecting the worst, like a serial killer to be in the house. You sneak behind Michael as a figure stands in front of you.

It's now pitch black as you stare at the figure. "BOO!" They yell in a deep voice, you jump as the person laughs. Suddenly the light flickers back on to normal. "CALUM WHAT THE FUCK! WE ALL THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA DIE!" You yell in shock, it was Calum all along. "We thought you'd been taken by ghosts!" Michael says also looking at Calum in shock. "I hate you!" Calum's having a laughing fit. "Guys, chill it's Halloween shit happens, it was funny as! you should have seen your faces!" Calum still laughs.

"It wasn't nice so don't do it again!" You cross your arms across your chest. "MOVIE TIME!" Luke yells avoiding this whole situation. "Fine..." You walk into the lounge after placing your 'weapons' away. You and the guys finish off the night just watching movies and enjoying each others company of telling stories, still trying to scare the shit out of you.


hope you liked it! I actually liked typing it :) please vote or comment! it would mean a lot

Also thankyou so much for over 4k reads! its nice to know people like reading what I write! :) <3

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