(5SOS) 'Different'

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"Oh my god, remember when you were making YouTube videos and you were scared that you would get much views" you say as you lay down on the grass with the boys looking at the stars. Ashton laughs "Yeah those were the days" "Well I'd like to say, I told you so!" You laughed at the boys. Luke chuckled and replied with. "I can't believe where we are now, touring with fucking One Direction" "You guys are amazing did you know that?" "We sure did" Calum says looking over to you. You laugh and look at the stars that are shinning bright in the night sky.

"There beautiful" you whisper silently. "Agreed" Michael says rolling over randomly. "Michael what are you doing?" you say grinning at his randomness. "Rolling obviously" he said as he kept rolling on the grass. "It's a shame there's no hill" you say as Michael bumps into you. "Ouch!" "Chillax!" Michael says chuckling as he rolls back the other way. You looked up at the sky, as you tried to count all the bright ones.

"I'm glad you guys are back" You smile. "Were going back to London soon" Your smile fades at what Ashton said. "Don't say that! You just got back! Why!? Why can't you stay for a little while longer! its not fair" The thought of them leaving you alone again kills you inside. You just want to cry but you know that would make them feel sorry for you, and you don't want that. You take a deep breath and sit up.

"It's for the best, plus its not for long! We'll be back before you know it!" Calum assures you. "Yeah right, I remember you guys left for 2 weeks and it felt like a year!" You think back to that moment, you were so lonely, you practically stayed home and lived in your room for a week before your mum came and made you go outside. It was horrible, you really don't want that to happen again. "You could always come with us" Luke spoke.

"What?" You say confused. "I said, you could always come with us" He says again, all the boys all sit up and look at you. Even though its hard to see if they actually are. You just have a feeling there eyes are on you. "Oh, nah I don't wanna get it the way" You swallow hard. "You wont! You could come and help us with writing and film us performing, and we could go out together and just have fun!" Luke says sounding excited.

"But the fans! They love you. What would they think if they saw me!?" "They would say 'wow look at that amazing girl, she's so lucky!' besides your like family to us. and you know that!" Calum says as you hear them all move. "Yeah? I don't believe you!"' Why would they even think that!' You think as hands come from behind. You jumped and then realised it was one of the boys hugging you. "You need to stop doubting yourself and start believing!"

"I can't" You whisper. As more hands come in contact with you. "Stop guys!" You almost yell, you feel crushing as 4 pairs of arms are around you tight. "Come to London and we'll let go!" Ashton says as a pair of hands hug tighter. You think for a minute 'I cant stay here all night and be hugged, I'd probably die knowing they wouldn't stop hugging unless I agree' You sigh and take another deep breath. "Fine! just let go please!"

You feel relived, and able to breathe. "YAY! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!!!" Michael yells. You laugh, maybe going with them wont be so bad, it will be different because you'll be with them rather than being miles away from them. Maybe doing this will help you regain your strength of believing in yourself.


I'm sorry if that wasn't good.... :\

so that was an update because the imagines reached over 2k reads!!!!! I'm putting my imagines on hold for a while as I wanna start a Calum fanfic dedicated to my sister so I might just be slow at updating my imagines from now on!!

thanks for reading! :) <3 

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