(Calum) 'Long Way Home'

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You were in your 4th lesson of the day, you just wanted it to be over so you could see Calum after school. Sadly it was taking forever, you tapped your pencil up and down staring at the clock on the wall. You waited and waited for the bell to go for Lunch. Just 2 minutes! The class started to rush and gather there belongings. You now stood still staring at the clock. Waiting...


The bell finally goes as the class rushes through the halls, you walk outside and sit on a bench. You grab your phone out your pocket and decide to text Calum.

'Can school be over already!? I just wanna see you :'( x'

You sit there and stare down at your screen, there were positives and negatives of having Calum Hood as your boyfriend. For instance, he would travel... Heaps. You hardly get to see him, but when you do it's like your his world. He does truly care for you in a way that no one ever has. One the plus side, you have school to distract you whilst he's busy traveling. Only thing is, days seem to take even longer. He's on the other side of the world, so it's hard to keep in contact most times because of time differences.

Right now he's back home for a while to spend time with his friends and family. Also because new year and of course Christmas. Unfortunately you still have some school to attend. Suddenly your phone flashes.

'Hang in there babe! it'll be over soon and I'll be waiting for you! Love Chu :-) xx'

You smile at his reply and type back to him.

'I'll try! Yay can't wait! Love Chu too xx'

Unfortunately the bell for next lesson rang, lunch always goes so fast. Maybe that's because you're talking to your boyfriend and can't get him off your mind. Either way he stays on your mind all day until you finally get to see him, which will be in 2 hours. You place your phone back in your pocket and make your way to English class. As boring as that was it went surprisingly quick. You walked to the other side of the school walking downstairs and to your Maths class. When it came to Math you knew it would be the death of you.

"Three, Two.. One!" Some class member cheered as the clock ticked. The bell went for home time, finally! You walk through the halls of crowded people catching up with friends. You made your way to the front of the school. Suddenly you spot a tall and tanned figure waiting near the steps. Your face brightens up at the sight of seeing him for the first time in weeks. You practically run to him, as he opens his arms and lifts you up embracing you. "I've missed you so much!" You whisper into his ear. "I've missed you too! But I'm back!" Calum chuckles as he smiles and pecks your forehead.

"Crap I'm starving!" You Whinge, you were so busy thinking of Calum to notice you were hungry. "Lucky I stopped by the bakery!" Calum grins, pulling something out of his pocket. "Oh my god! For real? No!" You say in disbelief. "I sure did!" Calum says opening a bag and pulling out 2 huge chocolate chip cookies which you love and haven't had in ages. He passes one to you as you now walk in the direction of your home. You love it when he simply just walks you home, for some reason something simple is all you need to make you happy. On the other hand Calum has other plans. He always wants to do more, when really he's already doing enough.

"Can we please go to the park? Please? Come on! I haven't seen you in ages!" Calum begs as he looks at you and pouts. "But I need to get home!" You reply. You would love to spend time with him, in fact your unsure of why you just said that. Why would you need to go home? No one would be home anyway. "Why? What would we do there? Huh (Y/N)!" Calum laughs as he holds your hand. "I dunno..." You mumble looking down. "Aw... Come here!" Calum places his arms around your waist making you stop walking. "Look we already made it! See?" He turns around and moves, leaving the view of the park in front of you.

"Wow, I didn't even realise!" You slightly giggle, Calum leads you to the short but green grass. The two of you lay down and look up at the sky. "I wish I could spend more time with you..." You sigh breathing heavily out. You feel Calum's eyes look at you, you turn and face him. Placing your hand on your head, making your elbow lay on the grass supporting your head up so you look down at him. His eyes meet with yours as he speaks. "I know, but don't worry just enjoy the time we share together now..." You smile as you lay back down, you feel Calum's hand connect with yours. "I can't imagine what I'd do without you, Calum. I seriously don't even-" You speak but start to wonder off as your eyes become watery. Life without Calum? That would be horror.

"Hey, remember what I told you?" Calum asks as his thumb caresses your cheek. You nod. "Think positive! Don't think about life without someone, because they are in your life for a reason! Okay babe?" Calum says leaning on the side facing you. "I love you..." Calum's voice becomes a soft whisper making you breathless. Your heart starts to pump twice as fast and your stomach gets butterflies. Why must he make you feel like this? "I love you too..." You place your fingers through his thick black hair stroking it in the silence. Without warning Calum crashes his lips against yours. Making your lips feel tingly. You smile into the kiss as you deepen it, wishing you could live this moment again and again just so it wouldn't end. 

You both pull away breathless and smile at each other, you glance down at your phone in your hand. 4:36pm. "You're amazing Calum!" You whisper to him as you sit up. Calum joins you as he stands, offering you a hand. "No (Y/N) You're amazing! No questions asked!" You laugh at the fact that you would lose if you tried to argue, you get back to walking. "I guess I took the long way home?" You laugh as Calum holds your hand again. "Yeah, I guess so!" Calum says as you finally reach your house. Calum stops at your front door and kisses you once again. "I'll see you tomorrow! Okay? Don't miss me too much! I Love you." Calum smiles and leans close.

"Okay, I love you more!" You slightly chuckle. "Oh you want to go there? I Love you so much that not even planet earth is big enough for my love to you!" Calum says placing his arms out. 'Shit, that's pretty fucken big!' You think as you grin. "Calum! What on earth!" You say but end up laughing. Calum chuckles. "It's true!" He smiles and kisses your nose. "Bye (Y/N)!" He finally says as he walks away. You watch him walk down the path as you enter your  house. Suddenly your phone beeps and a message from Calum pops up.

'I love you xxxxxxx'

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